Remembering Alison

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Emily's POV

Alison is a good friend of mine, or was a good friend of mine. Ever since I met her, I've questioned my sexuality. And then..we kissed. It was unexpected, but it was perfect. We were sitting on the floor in the library, she was reading me a line from a book that Dickens wrote. She says, "I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be."

"Did you get to that part yet?"

I nod, and I lean in and kiss her soft pale lips.

God, she was beautiful. I couldn't resist myself. Her eyes were as blue as the ocean, her hair was so perfectly blonde like a halo of the purest gold. I loved her. A lot.

A few days later..,

We were in the girls' locker room..

She was naked! Like all out naked. Wow. This is heaven I thought. She was talking about her new bra that she got. I wasn't paying attention. I was too distracted by her gorgeous body.


I finally snapped out of it. "Oh, huh? Yeah sorry. Haha it's nice."

She laughed and said, "hey, do me a favor and hook it for me?"

I smiled and she turned around. I hooked it, and I stroked her shoulder and kissed her neck. She quickly turned to me and said in a confused voice, "what are you doing?" I replied, "Um, nothing. I just.-" "Just what? Just because we kissed in the library, doesn't mean I'm into like that. I like boys. And trust me if I am kissing you, it's because it's practice for the real thing."

Ouch. Hearing those words come out of her mouth just breaks my heart. I can't believe it. I was mad, I was mad at her, how could she say that to me. But mostly, I was furious with myself. Why did I kiss her, If I hadn't kissed her, this would never have happened.

I stood still, tears rushing down my face. After a few seconds, I started walking away.

I remember every single moment that we shared together, good or bad, it was always in my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about her. She did rip my heart apart into little tiny pieces, but I'd still pick them up, and put them back in her hands in a heartbeat. She meant the world to me, even if it meant that I had to take risks, and walk to a dangerous path. I would do it for her. I would do anything for her. Because I love her.

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