Day without A

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Emily's POV

I decided to visit Alison's father in the hospital. When I got there, I saw Ali fast asleep on the chair. Mr. Dilaurentis was awake though.

"Hello Emily." He said in a weak but happy voice.

"Hey Mr. Dilaurentis, how are you feeling?" I whispered trying not to wake up Alison.

"I'm getting better. Listen, I have to ask you a favor." He said. "Yeah, no problem. Anything." I replied.

"Well, my daughter hasn't been sleeping properly for the past few days, because she's alone at home. And I was wondering if she could stay at your house, just until I get back, if that's okay?" Mr. Dilaurentis sounded serious.

I stood still, thinking about what I should say.

"Umm, yeah-yeah, that would be great actually."

When Ali woke up, her father told her that he would get some rest and that Alison and I should just go out and have fun for once. Because it seems she never gets a break of all the bad things. She agreed and thought it was a great idea. Alison still didn't know that she was going to stay at my house for a while, so i would just tell her later, when the time is right.

That afternoon we went to the park, just walking around, talking. And then after that we decided to just order Chinese food. We didn't even care if A was there, we just wanted to spend time having fun for once, you know? But if A was there, and attacks her, I would protect her ofcourse. It seems like forever since I seen Alison smile.

Alison's POV

Today was a great day. Spending time with Emily alone, made me realize how much she meant to me. My dad was very insisting that we should go out today. I'm still worried about my dad, but I'm sure he'll be fine. I tried not to think about A today, because it was Em and I's time, and I didn't want to waste it worrying about A.

"Hey, Ali." Emily said in a very low voice.

"Yeah, what's up?" I said.

"Your dad thought it was a good idea to stay with me for the next week." She continued.

I looked at her brown hazel eyes and said, "Yes, I know I heard."

"Wow, you were totally fake sleeping! You ease dropper!" Emily playfully punched my shoulder and giggled.

"Aha, sorry. I just couldn't help it. I was asleep, but as soon as you walked in, i woke up in a millisecond." I explained.

When we got to her house, we went straight to her bedroom. "Oh shoot, I have to go back to my house to get my stuff! My clothes, my toothbrus--" She cut me off and said, "Alison, don't worry. We have all those things. haha. you can borrow my clothes, and I'll get you a towel and an unused toothbrush, okay?" She chuckled.

"Okay, okay." I said.

"Just choose anything from my closet."

Emily went downstairs to get the things that I needed, I went through her organized closet. I picked her loose maroon t-shirt, and her baggy grey sweatpants. They felt so comfortable. And they smelled like Emily, too. Which I liked. A lot.

We watched gossip girl all night, and it was so relaxing knowing that I had Emily by my side.

"Hey Em do you--" I stopped as soon as I realized that what I was about to say was a bit embarrassing.

Emily looked at me and raised both her eyebrows, waiting for me to say something. But I just smiled, and didn't say a word.

"Do I what?" Emily let out a small grin.

I still didn't say anything. It's too awkward. "Come on, you never doubted anything that was on your mind, you always came right out and says it. Do I what? Haha." She giggled.

"Ugh fine. Do you-do you--" I was stuttering too much. Come on Ali, just say it. It's not that hard.

"Do you still have feelings for me?" As soon as I said that sentence my face started to turn red, and I was afraid she'd notice, so I looked away focusing on the tv. It was probably a mistake asking that. After all I put her through, how could she have feelings for me again?

Suddenly I felt Emily's hand touch my face. She cupped my chin turning me around to face her. She kissed me softly and gently.

I pulled away for air, and said, "I guess I'll take that as a yes?"

She laughed and then her face got serious. "To be honest, Ali, I was afraid to get close to you again. I was worried that you would just play me, and make me believe that you were really into me. But then Hanna told me to follow my heart. And that made me realize that life is too short to have worries."

"I would never play with your feelings Em. I just didn't know what I wanted before, and I just kind of pushed you away so I wouldn't lead you on if ever I knew I wasn't gay." I explained to her.

"Whoa. Alison Dilaurentis... Gay??" Emily laughed at my face as if I was telling a joke.

"Shut up. I'm not gay. I don't like girls.."

Emily's face turned from happy to frowny face.

"Apart from you." I quickly said.

Emily wrapped her arms around me, and I fell asleep watching gossip girl, with Em's clothes on, and her by my side.

Could this day get any better?

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