Just look up

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Emily's POV
"I'm sorry." The nurse comes out and tells us the news.
My heart dropped.
How could this be.
This is not how it's suppose to be.
It isn't fair.
Alison stands up, and walks away, covering her mouth. She knelt down and started crying in the corner.
The nurse walked away in sorriness.
I rushed over to broken Alison, and I hugged her as tight as I possibly could, hoping she would feel safe in my arms.
"Alison, I'm sorry." I said in sympathy.
"..He's gone." Alison cried.


Writer's POV

Mr. DiLaurentis arranged a funeral for his son, Jason at the Rosewood church hall. They had the choice to either cremate Jason's body, or bury him.

Alison wanted to bury him. "I want him to be in one piece. I don't want to cremate him. Because that means his heart is going to be taken away. So no, I want him to stay where he is. That way, I'm still close to his heart."

Alison had to write a eulogy for her brother.


Alison's POV

( At the funeral .. )

Ken, my dad led me in, holding me in his arms while I try my hardest not to show any sign of weakness. As I walk in, I see my brother's casket sitting in the front with the window open. I can see his innocent face, he looks so peaceful.

The girls all looked at me as I sat next to Emily. She opened up, and side hugged me. She let out a weak smile.

At the end of the mass, I had to read the eulogy I wrote for him.

I cautiously walked up to the microphone. I glanced at my dead brother. Tears started to well up in my eyes. Then I started ...

"Jason DiLaurentis was my brother." I paused.

"He was my only brother."

"When we were kids, we would always fight for the stupid reasons. We would fight for the last slice of pizza, we would fight for who gets the better toy for Christmas. We would always say that we hated each other, but I know deep in his heart, he could never hate me. And so couldn't I. I love him, and I still do. He was the greatest of the greatest. He was the best brother any girl could ever ask for. Sure, he can be a pain sometimes, but he still cares about me."

My tears couldn't hold itself any longer, so I just let go.

"A year ago, I lost my mother. And Jason was there for me. He told me he was gonna be the one to take care of me for my remaining years."

I choked on my tears and continued to read my paper.

"And I believed every word he said. I hoped for everything to just be okay for us. I'm grateful for his love, his patience, and his kindness. I'm grateful everything he is. I'm grateful for his existence. This world is a complete horrid, but because my brother was in it for a short while, It was actually a good place to live in for me."

"Me and him. We shared the same moments, we shared unforgettable memories. And I couldn't possibly forget every single one of them. They were too important to forget and just move on from."

My eulogy was done, but I decided to add my own words.

"..He saved us. He was the one who led us out of the fire. And when we all got out, he was stuck inside. And it was too late. And I thank him for that. For keeping his word when he said he'd protect me from any harm."

I sniffed.

"I know he is in a better place now. Where everything is peaceful around him. Where he has nothing to worry about. Believe it or not, I'm actually happy."

Then everyone let out a small smile. I looked down and continued.

"Not because I wanted this to happen, but because this is what he needed. For so long, he's been in complete agony. But now, it's over."

I looked up, and saw the sun shine bright through the window. I knew he was here.

"It's okay big brother. You can go now. You can rest in peace."


After the funeral, we had to go bury him in the meadow. I chose that place, because that's where he always took me when I was feeling down.

It's been 2 hours after his casket was lowered to the ground. Everyone started to hug me, and left.

The girls, except Emily, said their goodbyes.

"You know, I didn't think this would ever happen like this." Emily started. I nodded and looked down at my feet.

My dad came up behind me and gave me an unopened envelope. "I think this is for you," he said.

I looked at Emily and she slowly smiled at me and nodded. Both her and my father walked away and went inside the church next to the meadow.

I looked at the envelope and sat down next to my brother's newly grave.

I gently opened the envelope, and started reading it.

It said...

"Dear Alison,
Life as we know it, is a journey. But sometimes we don't reach our destination. And that's okay, because that's life. Sometimes there will be intersections, and stops lights that slow us down. And sometimes there's car crashes that stop us permanently. But that shouldn't affect your future. Because you have bright one ahead of you. Today is July 9th, 2006. I wrote this letter for when I'm not here anymore. I don't know when I'm going to die, but I hope that it's not the day after I write this. Hah. I told dad and Emily to give it to you the day I was buried. So if you got this, today is the day huh. I love you so much. You have no idea. I am an ass sometimes, but that doesn't change how I feel about you. It's okay baby sis. I'm still here. I'm always going to be here no matter what happens. Just look up.
Love, Jason."

I had extra time so I wrote the next chapter. Whatchaaaa guys think? Too sad? too depressing? Hahah anyways, thanks for reading. I love y'all !!! ❤️

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