{{Chapter 3}}

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Hii peoples! I'm looking for a
co-author if you're interested pm me.😚


*Kamila's POV

Kyng and I went to the store and we bought some stuff to put around the house. Along with those we got some home supplies you know, the necessities.

I also bought some lady items that I needed. We also got some pancake mix, bacon, eggs and some more food and snacks. We also got some candles and air fresheners. Then we returned to the dorm and unpacked em.

A little thing I've noticed about him is that he's definitely has a bad boy type of act, but he can be very sweet.

I was out in the living room watching tv that I finally figured out how to turn on when Kyng joined me on the couch.

It was already getting late so I did my hygiene routine and changed into pjs.


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Mr. Wavy took a shower also and put on a vest and basketball shorts.

I forgot to mention. We don't have classes until the week after next week. I never knew a girl and a guy can be roomed together though. Smh, that's how young girls be getting raped and abused.

"I'm bored." He tells me as I look over to him.

I looked into his gorgeous brown eyes. "Me too."

"U wanna help me unpack?" He asked

"Sure." I tell him

I get up to walk to his room and he follows behind me.

"Jesus Christ." He mumbled

I know he's staring at my ass.

I put my hand near my ass and flipped him off and he chuckled lightly.

I giggled and opened his bedroom door and go to sit on his bed. I sat criss cross apple sauce and watched as he sat in the chair that was beside his desk. I took one of his suitcases and he took the other. I watched him as he unzipped the suitcase rubbing his neck.

He's so gorgeous. I hope this guy sane, cause I heard girls get raped in college dorms and shit. Whatever.

I open up the suitcase to see shirts and pants just stuffed into the bag , nothing folded.

I laughed quietly.

I took out all of the shirts and folded them placing them into three piles beside me then did that with his pants which was two piles. I look up to him and our eyes met.

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