{{Chapter 25}}

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*3 Weeks Later Kamila's POV

Kyng and I have gotten so close these past few weeks. I've gotten to know a lot about him and I told him some stuff about me. Not about what I work with and stuff, I don't know him that well. Im not sure if I could trust him with a secret that big as yet. The only person that knows in fact, is Blue. We both work with equally as illegal things so we were both quite comfortable with sharing our secrets.

We were on the couch watching Lucifer on Netflix as usual until he mentioned that he needed some help with studying.

"What's the difference between estupido and pendejo?" Mind you we're doing algebra

I blank faced him.

"Can we finish? I wanna go get icecream." I whined

Today is Friday so u already know that's ice cream day. 🤪

"You finna get fat." He said and I flicked him off

He got a call and I sighed, we're gonna be here a while.

"Sup fam?" He answered it

"Damn ion kno bout that, I'm with someone right now." He answered then look at me

"Who is it?" I asked him

"Just my homies, they wanna light up." He told me

"Well lets go then." I said going to fix my shoes but he shook his head

"I don't smoke in front of females lil ma." He muted them


"That's like...disrespectful." He said

"No it's not. If we go I can meet them. Please? I wanna meet em." I grinned at him and he sighed before unmuting them

"Yeah ima come through, but somebody coming with me iight?"

"Bring Kj...Ight bet." He said then hung up


I tried to take his blunt for a hit but he wouldn't let me. They had just recently rolled up after we were introduced.

"Stop hogging the shit." I whined

"What? You ain't smoking." He told me

"Really bruh, then why am I here?"

"Here you can take a hit of mines." Kj offered after giggling

She handed it to me and I took it, I felt eyes on me and looked up to Kyng who wouldn't eyeing me.

"What?" I asked

"Girl what I just told you?" He said in disbelief that I took it

I took a small hit from the blunt then followed up with a big one then blew the smoke in his face smirking.

"You told me that I ain't smoking." I said with a smug look on my face then took a long puff letting it out of my mouth and inhaling it through my nose

Thought this ain't my first rodeo? 😌

I passed the blunt back.

"And you go ahead and do it anyways?"

"What are you, my father?" I scoffed

"You're daddy now?" I laughed

His friends began snickering and he just rolled his eyes. He soon towered over me and looked deep into his eyes. His hand wrapped itself around my neck and I gulped.

Jesus we're in public bro.

"U betta know who u cappin attitude wit." He said and I nodded

He released his grip from my neck and went back to the spot he was at. I looked up to see the guys watching me with wide eyes.

I looked over to see Kyng blowing smoke rings, minding his own business. I then looked back to the guys that were still looking at me, surprised with the whole thing I guess. I know I am too! I looked down to my feet as blush rushed up my cheeks.

I was soon pulled aside by Kj, the only other girl here.

"Girl to be honest, he is daddy as fuck." She whispered to me and we giggled

"You're with..." I trailed off not remembering their names

"James? Nah he a hoe. But we messin tho." She told me passing the blunt to me and I took another small hit from it

We soon joined the others and had a good time. His friends finally influenced him to let me have fun. He probably finna curse me when we get back to the dorm. He swears he's daddy. I honestly was okay with it thought, I don't smoke much. I only do it sometimes for a little fun.

We soon left his friends and went to go get ice cream. We took James and Kj with us so she and I could connect a little more. Of course we weren't talking about anything sensible because we were high as fuck but it was fun.

Back at the dorm our high hasn't quite settled, so we scratched his studying off the agenda for tonight and agreed to dedicating our Sunday night to his studies. Tomorrow I'm going to a small family gathering with Kyng while his whole family will be in town together for a change. No we're not dating or anything, we agreed on him introducing me as his best friend. Which I kinda am. But anyways..

I was showered, lotioned up and in my jammies, ready to sleep. I cuddled with my puffy white blanket and texted my Hoes group chat. I made sure everybody was free at the moment and called. We talk about our day a bit until we got sleepy, this is our every night routine.

I closed my eyes ready to put this day in my past until my phone buzzed. I inwardly pouted and picked my phone up. Everybody in the call was quiet so I presumed they were all asleep. Blue had texted.

She's away on a business trip right now, which is amazing for my studies. I've caught up on a lot of things that I've fallen off on. I've caught up on some sketches that I'll need soon. I'm just on top of everything right now and I feel at ease knowing that I'm not on my toes.

I got back on my teachers good side which is always a good thing. Screw whoever thinks I'm kissing her ass, this is college not high school and it ain't easy. I tutor my classmate Riley every Wednesday afternoon and it's going great, I love helping in any way possible. Wait what was I talking about again? Damn I'm sleepy.

Oh shit I forgot Blue texted me.


Sorry I couldn't call again to-

1058 Words💍💛

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