{{Chapter 21}}

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After Mari and I finished training everyone decided on watching Crawl.

Sunday was a pretty weird day to go to the movies but it's hard to plan outings when everybody is always busy. You know cause we ain't kids no more.

On my way back from training I borrowed mommas 2018 Jaguar F-Pace because there's no way everybody was gonna fit in my car. They made me sit on Blue's lap because I'm "the smallest"🥴.

We got this jeep because mama said we'd need a family car when the baby comes

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We got this jeep because mama said we'd need a family car when the baby comes.

When we arrived at the movie theatre everybody got their snacks, I just got candy.

*Incase y'all want to watch this movie I'm not going to include any spoilers*

In the movie Marianna and Jaya fell asleep. I surprisingly didn't even though I was tired asf from training. Maybe because Blue wouldn't shut up. She was asking me questions like:

"Omg are they gonna die?"
"Are they gonna drown?"
"Are they gonna get eaten?"

And I ain't even watch the damn movie before.😭 Kailees dumbass was entertaining it too.

*No racism here.*
"Maybe, cause u know white people always acting stupid in the movies."
"I would've cause I can't swim for shit."
"I would've done passed out, do u see the size of those things!"

They're the type of people in the movie theatre that cause everybody to say "shhhh".

After Crawl we decided to watch Annabelle Comes Home because nobody had other plans. After the movie we all piled back into the car. Kailee was the only one asleep at the time, ig she was finally tired from all that damn talking.

During the car drive I began thinking. I felt kinda bad because I forgot to invite Kyng to the movies. He completely slipped my mind. I'm a terrible friends aren't I. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I invited him, I did but it was really last minute. He said he had to go to work anyways or something like that. I promised him we could go out tomorrow after classes to make up for it.

Since I offered, that means that I'm supposed to pick where we're going right? Bruh idk.

I decided to shoot him a quick text.


Where u wanna go tm?

Sigh. I'm already tired from my classes tomorrow. Mari and I have to present our project, I hope we pass cause we worked our asses off on that shii.

We stopped at Walmart on the way to Blues house, we bought ton of snacks. When we got there we sat in a circle to play games, the snacks were in the middle.

We're currently playing Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Promise, or Repeat. This is our version of the game so here are the rules/instructions:

(Optional to read)

Whoever's turn it's for is the teller. The teller could choose whoever they desire.

Truth is when the teller asks a question, u have to answer it Truthfully.

Dare is when the teller gives u a dare and u carry out basically.

Double Dare is the same as Dare except u get two.

Promise is well yea a promise, the person suggests a promise and u have to abide by it.

Repeat is when u are given a phrase, you simply have to repeat it on video or audio. Video or Audio is optional by the teller.

If u refuse to do whatever u are given, u simply get slapped by everybody and have to pay $2 to all the other players.

The circle went like this:


It was Marianna's turn.

"Jayy. Truth, dare, double dare, promise, or repeat?"

"Dare." She replied

"Jaya I dare u to tongue kiss somebody in this circle." Like I said before she was the only straight one in the group meanwhile everybody in this circle was a girl

She rolled her eyes and turned to me with no hesitation. Before I could say anything she grabbed my shirt and pulled me into a deep kiss. Okay, Jayy. After a short tongue wrestle she pulled away and everybody else had a smirk on their face. She had hella tongue game, too bad it's going to waste.

"My turn." She spoke like nothing happened

"Umm Blue. Truth, dare, double dare, promise, or repeat?"

"Umm Dare."

"Well I dare u to-"

Blue's phone went off.

"Come on! I thought I said to put em on mute." Marianna said

"I know I'm sorry but this is my work phone I gotta answer." She stood up and went to the side

Everybody was all up in her mouth waiting to see what our game was interrupted for.

"Got away?!!"

"Okay wait hold up u said got away?! And u on the other end of this phone and not finding him why?"

"Well of fucking course. If it ain't your fault who's fault is it? Not mines and not Killa's that's for fucking sure. Dawg u really slacking this your second strike yo."

"Well check the fucking cameras ma nigga." This is the second time she's gotten so worked up over a phone call and she won't even tell me what's wrong

Well obviously..somebody got away. Maybe the guy she shot last week at the trap.

"Find the bitch!"

"All u can do? Mane I'm on my way and if y'all niggas ain't got at least a lead that's all y'all asses on my daddy bruh!" She was hella red and was getting frustrated

I looked around the circle and everybody was just watching, not wanting to say anything to make this worse.

She hung up and slid her phone in her back pocket. Not without mumbling "son of a bitch".

"You ok?" I asked

I felt hella useless but what the fuck else was I supposed to do when she ain't telling me nothin.

"Yea I'm ok. Sorry for interrupting the game Ight? Y'all can stay here ima have to leave. Lock up if u leave babe."

"See y'all whenever, love u babygirl." She said while scrambling for her keys on her way out

Everybody's eyes widened as they looked to me and I just watched them back in confusion.

Wait did she just-

"Wait what?" I asked looking at her and she literally stopped and facepalmed herself

"You love me?" I asked quietly as I approached her

"I mean, awe shit. We finna talk about this later okay? I got to go aiight seeya." She stumbled out

She grabbed my face and kissed me before she ran out the house.

I sat back down in the circle and huffed.

"Hey Kamz?" Jaya spoke

"Yeah?" I asked

"Truth, dare, double dare, promise, or repeat?" She asked and I sighed

"Just uhh truth."

"Do u love her back?"

1130 Words💍💛

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