{{Chapter 13}}

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Who's tryna write a smut scene for the next chapter?? Pm me if interested.


*2 Days Later

Day one of classes wasn't so bad. I only had 5 classes and 3 of which I had Marianna to keep my company for.

Architectural Drafting,
Business Administration/Management,        (All
Business Finance, and                                        With      Architecture and Interior Design Course.      Mari)                            

I haven't made any new friends nor did I want to, I want to focus on my studies and get out of here the fastest I could. I would mind having some buddies in the classes tho, it might come in handy during my time here.

I sat my things down and turned on the tv. Scrolling through my Netflix list my eyes land on Lucifer. Kyng promised me that we could watch that together. Scrolling some I see Jailbirds so I said fuck it and pressed that. Before I start it I called Kyng just to see if I get an answer .

"Hello." He answered


"Hey babygirl, wassup?"

"When are u coming back?"

He sighed.

"I don't know."

"Classes started today." I told him

"Really? How was it?"

"Good. Can u come back tomorrow? Please?"

"I'll see about that okay?"

"Okay fine."

"Ight talk to u later."

"A'ight, be safe."

"U too." He hung up and I let out a breath pressing the x button on Kyngs PS4 controller

I put my feet up on the couch and got comfortable.

Killa🖤🤪's Calling


"Hey Killa, wassup?"

"I have a business proposal for u and your business partner, u down?"

"Maybe. What is it?"

"Meet me at my office?"

"A'ight bet."

I grab my keys and made my way down the hallway to Mari's room and I knocked.

A tired Marianna opened the door.

"Girl u okay?"

"Yea, I just finished my homework."

I went inside and sat on the couch besides a sleeping Lai.

"Killa's got a business proposal for us, he wants us to meet him at his office."

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