{{Chapter 22}}

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"Damn u really went in." Lai said to Jaya

No shit.

"Wait wha- huh? Bro u can't-" I sighed

"U stuttering ma." Lai spoke and I flicked her off

"U can't ask me that!" I protested

"I just did."

"She didn't even specify what kinda love she talm bout."

"Love! It's one word." Marianna said

"Yo, y'all lay off ha." Lai protested

Is she the only one that's got my back here, wow. That says a lot don't it.

"This isn't something u ask about in a game." I eyed Marianna, she knows how I feel about this kind of thing and yet she's encouraging it

"And I'm sorry for that, but what's done is done." Jaya said and I rolled my eyes

"Babygirl u can trust us anyways." Kailee said

"Define love."

"Deep affection, when u truly care about somebody." Kailee spoke up again

"Well......bro y'all ain't shit." I got up, I was fuming

I didn't even feel like playing anymore. That was so uncool. I sighed and I got up.

"Y'all can keep playing, I'm gonna go lay down. Lock the door if u leaving." I left not giving them a chance to say anything else even thought I heard Lai say something

They got me fucked all the way up.

I did my nightly routine which included showering. I waked back into Blues room and took out some pjs I had here.

As I was putting my pants on I heard a knock on the door and I opened it. Marianna walked in and sat on the bed when I slipped my shirt on over my head.

"Wassup?" I asked

"I'm being a bad best friend I know. I shouldn't have encouraged that and I'm sorry. I just felt like we're all close friends u know we tell each other everything."

"I can't tell u guys what I don't know! Love is a strong ass word. Dawg I was straight up about to punch somebody. And it would've been Jaya cause she was right besides me."

"I know I'm really sorry sis. I talked with everybody, I told Jaya that wasn't cool and she's sorry. I sent everybody outside. Their in the car but if you're not up for it ima just carry back the Jeep so momma don't kill our asses." She said and I laughed at the last part

"I think ima stay here." I said and she nodded

"I love u ok?" She said

"Love u too sis...and I might love her too just a tinsy tiny bit." I said and Marianna's eyes lit up

"For real bro?"

I shrugged.

"Maybe." I smirked at her

She squealed like a little kid in a candy store.

"I won't say anything." She grinned

"U better not, and tell Jay I forgive her. Oh and tell Lai I say thanks too. I'm finna take a nap and text y'all later."

"K, remember we have the presentation tomorrow. We better pass."

"I remember and I know bro. Seeya boo."

"Stay safe." She told me and blew a kiss while walking out

I checked my phone and saw that I had a text from Kyng.



Game-X is an arcade, but they serve food and other stuff too.

Sounds good


Daddy when u coming back😕

Incoming call from Papi❤️💦...


"Hey babygirl I can't text back right now, wassup?"

I heard hella noise in her background.

"It's hella loud wherever u are. When u coming back?"

"An hour or two maybe why?"

"I'm bored."

"I'm sorry babygirl u know how work is."

I sighed "Yea I know. I'm gonna take a nap."

"Alright baby love u."

"I know. Be safe." I said and she began talking to somebody in her background so I hung up

I sighed again. I looked at the time and it was going on 1. Holy fuck how did time go so fast? Like damn Marianna just left. Screw a nap I'm taking my ass to sleep.

I pulled the blanket over me and melted into her soft ass bed as I inhaled her scent. I clutched her pillow and embraced the silence, goodnight world.

*In the Morning

I woke up peacefully with a yawn. I squinted my eyes from the sun in the room when I felt weight on my stomach. Opening my eyes to see what it was it happened to be Blue like I guessed it would be.

She was in a sports bra and some boxers. Her curls were everywhere, and by everywhere I meant all over me. I found my phone while moving hella slowly. Things seemed to be going in slow motion when I looked at the time. It was 9:00. Wait, bitch I have classes for 8:30! And a fucking presentation too!

I shot out of the bed stumbling. Shit I damn near hit my head on the wall. I jumped around trying to get my jeans pants on until I realized my pajama pants was still on. I whined and pulled it off then followed my shirt.

"Babygirl babygirl!!" Blue called as I ran into her closet

"What?? I'm late!" I shouted running out with an ensemble

I threw it on her bed and she continued to say something but I was paying any attention to her. Hell I ain't tryna get a 0 on my project.


"What broo!"

"U have night classes today baby!"

"Huh? Who told u that?" I stopped attempting to pull Blue's pants up on myself

"Your alarm for your today classes is set for 6." She told me with my phone in her hand and I ooh'ed

"Well that sucks." I took off her pants and put that and her shirt back in the closet

I was left in my underwear but I honestly didn't care after all that workout. I went to her bathroom and slipped on her robe.

Oh shit I was supposed to be going out with Kyng this afternoon. Fuck mane.

Mari Baby😻💦

U could've informed me
about our night classes😒


I think I might have to cancel

1022 Words💍💛

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