{{Chapter 32}}

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Today is November 5th, 7 days away from my birthday. Let me tell you what's currently happening.

I'm not even going to get too much into it. I had just finished my classes for today and was stressed. Instead of telling her that, I had been a tad bit disrespectful.

"Gone and stand in the corner, facing the wall."

My mouth dropped.

"I will not stand in the corner." I blank faced her

"You wanna feel your legs in the morning or no?" She questioned and I crossed my arms

U can't fuck the shit out of me cause I'm on my period. I mean..it ends tomorrow but she ain't gotta know.

She raised her eyebrow.

I went to go stand in the corner, facing the wall as she said. I huffed then went to open my mouth-

"Don't even think about talking."

I didn't want to say anything anyways...


I've been here for about 20 seconds now. How long this nigga gonna make me stay in this stupid ass corner.

I blinked and stared at a light mark on the wall.

During the past minute I've stood here, I've concluded that I don't like standing in corners. I got tired of standing and folded my arms and put them against the wall to lean on it.

"You gon be a good girl?"


"Ight you can come back."

I left a resting pout on my face and left the wall. I left the room shortly after and went to the living room.

She got me all the way fucked up.

I got dressed to leave. As I pulled on my hoodie she came down the stairs.

"You mad at me?"

"Nah." I said and grabbed my drawing/sketching book

"Why u acting like that, u wanna go back in the corner?" I rolled my eyes

Fuck off bro, if u can't handle a bad bitch u got the wrong one.

She wrapped her hand around my neck and I licked my lip and bit it, reflex. I still refused to look at her though.

"Aye look up here." I did as I was told

"See that attitude you got? Its gon only get you one thing and that's fucked. Fucked till them thighs can't take nomo. You heard?"

I nodded even though I know she couldn't. It was best to just comply.

"Answer me with yo mouth."


"Yes who?"

"Yes daddy." I croaked out

"Now act right before I make you."

When did I get so submissive anyways?

She let go of me and watched me pick up some other things.

"Where you going?" He asked me

Ughh go away.

I shrugged

"Mommas." I mumbled and took my things to leave

She sighed and went back to her room, letting me leave.

Arriving at the house I realized that I had no reason for being here. I sighed and shut my door leaving everything except my phone and my sketch book. As I locked up the car I saw Kenny at the door. Kenny is our security.

"Hey fatty." I smirked at him getting my keys out

"What's good peanut head?" We both snickered

"What u doing here?" He asked

" I don't even know."

"Well you got the house to yourself." He said letting me know nobody else was home

Right..they went on a date. I wish I had a relationship like theirs, they go on dates once every week.

Opening up the front door I stepped in and shouted.

"I'm home bitches!" Only because I know ma wasn't home

I laughed and ran up the stairs to my bedroom. I sat my things on my bed and turned my phone on. Going straight to Facebook I accepted some friend requests then went to messenger to answer some texts. I went to text the Hoes Gc but the Low Battery thing popped up and I looked to my night stand.

My charger wasn't there and I nodded and got off my comfy bed. Momma always taking my shit.

Momma and I have an exceptional bond.

I always loved just watching her sit and draw. It doesn't even stop there she could paint also. She could sit in the house all day and draw. She's hella chill and laid back, you could be in the same room with her for hours and she's just on her phone. On multiple occasions I've forgotten that she was in the room.

Don't get me wrong though she can party like an animal. She's one of the most boring/fun people I have ever met...if that makes sense. But anyways, back to my love of drawing.

She would take me to the park and I would pick something, she would draw it and then teach me how to draw it when she was finished. That was our thing on Friday's then we would go out for yogurt. Except I never got yogurt because I never liked it, I would get ice cream instead.

Back to finding my charger.

I made my way to their bedroom and opened the door of the gigantic bedroom. I hopped on the bed even though I'm always told not to. What can I say? Im a bad bitch.

I look around the night stand for the charger and couldn't find it. Omg. There was a blunt sitting there. This shit mines now. I look at the top drawer wondering if I want to open it. Nah.

I decided to just go to sleep since it was going to die but then detoured when I remembered Mari should have one in hers. I found that mf and plugged in my phone. I connected my phone to my speaker, put my playlist on shuffle, lit up, and sat back. Time to relax.

1000 Words💍💛

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