{{Chapter 4}}

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*Kamila's POV

Kyng ended up coming back before I left and he went along with me. At the mall he flirted with at least 4 girls and got their numbers. But one guy came up to me and he wouldn't let him talk to me. The fuck? That ain't cool. The guy was fine too. I didn't talk to him the whole way home and I think it should stay that way.

We were walking into our dorm and he stepped aside for me to walk in first. As I walked into the door he walked in shutting the door after.

"So you're really not gonna talk to me?" He asked coming in front of me with a sigh

My phone went off and I looked at it as an excuse to ignore him. I tried to go around him but he wouldn't let me go.

"I didn't even do anything that bad." He said trying to reason

"Excuse me." I say through my gritted teeth

"What's the magic word?"
He asked.

"Bro, move." He didn't budge

"Yoo fuck off nuh man." I lashed out and his eyes widen

He's never heard me curse before. Yea nigga I'm a bad bitch so what.

"Come on man, move!" I yelled because he was really getting on my last nerve.

I saw his eyes turn darker and his facial expression change, shit I backed up straight away.

"One thing you need to know." He said backing me into the wall

"Never. Ever. Yell at me." He said in a very serious tone. This nigga mama ain't had to make him that sexy.

Let his hand touch my neck and I'll moan right here right now. Smh, freak ass Kamila.

"Clearly he only wanted to get in your pants! I was protecting you."

I decided against answering, it was probably for the best. I kissed by teeth when I got fed up.

"I'm talking to you." He said and I gulped

"How would you know, you didn't let him say a thing." I said watching my tone

He took a deep breath and backed up. He went to his room and I went to mines. Still thinking about what just happened. He didn't have to do me like that.

I had heard him leave around 3:00. I was in the living room watching tv when he came back at 7:14.

I texted back my group and left the phone to charge.

I continued watching my movie until it was finished. I decided to just shower then sleep for the rest of the day. Since I had nothing better to do.


In the Morning

I woke up earlier than I did yesterday. I walked into the kitchen 9:14 on the clock. I was just dressed in a shirt. It stopped right below my ass but it kept riding up. I didn't care. King wakes up at 11:00 so I'll be good until then, or at least till 10:30. I'll change as soon as I'm done cooking. I put my hair up in a messy bun because I always get hot when I cook. I was making grilled cheese, I made 5. I sat and ate 2 then drank some milk. I left the rest in the toaster oven to keep em warm. I put back the milk and as I closed the fridge I heard a really quiet "fuck." from the corner which caused me to jump.

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