{{Chapter 39}}

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I woke up and scratched my head, my buns were already a mess anyways. I looked around and saw that we were still in the hookah room. I was the only one up.

I sat up which put me in a straddling position on top of Blue. My brain was still feeling a little sluggish.

"Baby." Blue mumbled

"Morning." I giggled

Yeah, maybe a highover, hah that's funny.

She laughed at me.

"Morning babygirl." She caressed my ass after I shifted to get comfy

"U know what we didn't get to yesterday?"

"What?" I cocked my head

"Presents." She told me with a warm smile which brung one to my face also

"Huh? I thought I already got it?" I looked at the bracelet on my hand

"That's just the first one baby, plus I'm sure everybody else got u things too, yeah?" She looked around me

I looked back at everybody, who were suddenly up.

"When y'all getting married bruh?" Lai joker

"I'd say about 2 years from now." Blue confidently smirked

"Oh my god stop." I mumbled climbing off of Blues lap, uncontrollably blushing

"Aww." Everybody coo'ed

"Where's my phone?"

We looked around a bit and eventually found it under the couch. We got off our lazy asses and went downstairs to clean up a bit, having to wake up and send home a few people in the process.


"So since we all know your crazy luh ass love guns. I've made u a copy of my own custom made and designed handgun."

Yes I had finally told everybody about my secrets.

I opened up the case and knew that this time it was my eyes lighting up. The gun was beautifully made, I really couldn't recognize its type meaning she really had made it herself..or had it made. It was silver with Blue trimmings in certain places and had "Little Blue" engraved in it. I squealed and jumped into her arms kissing all over her face. She laughed and asked if I liked it.

"I love it, I love it, I love it!" Was all she heard before I went back to inspect it some more

I opened the gifts from the gang and everybody that attended the party..which were a lot! But I absolutely loved every single one and made sure I called to thank everybody.


*2 Month Later

I was back to school normally. Remember my internship? Could u believe that I made my way up to the CEO already. I mean she hates me..but I'm still there y'know. Nothing personal she just hates having interns, she swears we're a waste of time and "she's not a teacher". She's a stud, her names Dominique but everybody at work calls her Dom..I don't wanna know what happens if u call her Dominique. She's pretty nice when she's not annoyed with u.

So far I've been in 2 meetings and I've helped her with a business deal, I got cursed after because "nobody asked for my input" but she thanked me when it was time to clock out. Bipolar much.

At the dorm me and King were just like our old selves we've built an amazing bestfriendship. Nothing more nothing less.

Blue and I are good as ever also. Mari and Lai have been a little rocky, she's complained that Lai has been ignoring her or pushing her away. Kailee and Jaya both have boy toys now and are doing fantastic in dance school.

Momma has been tense lately, she's nervous and tends to ma's every need. And by every need I mean every need. Moms is ready to pop out my little sibling any day now.


*2 Years Later Kamila's POV

I'm honestly surprised Blue hasn't woken me like she has the last two days. Jumping on me and yelling "WAKE YO BEAUTIFUL ASS UP!" 😒 Yea that's what I have to deal with. Then again I was only taking a nap.

I felt her side of the bed and was met with coldness, I frowned and moved to pull back my hand when something pricked my finger.

"Owie!" I opened my eyes and the brightness caused me to flutter my eyes so they could adjust

Laying in Blue's spot was a heart shaped card. I took it up and it read.

"Night Babygirl.😉 You took a hella long nap." Was written on the outside

Then I opened it up.

Get yo lazy ass up and find Clue #1.
To find it, go to the place where
we have our late night fun.

Aww my baby is tryna be romantic. I smiled and hopped off the bed heading to the bathroom. We sing while brushing our teeth every night.😭 Then we declare the winner and the winner gets a massage. The next card was taped to my toothbrush. I brushed my teeth fast as hell man😭 I can't wait to see what's at the end of all this.

Clue #1
I know you just brush yo teeth within 10 seconds you big fool, to find the next clue go to the place that keeps our food cool.

I went downstairs and opened up the fridge, the next card was taped to a bottle of milk. I took it out along with a bowl and my cereal. I took a spoon of my s'mores as I read.

Clue #2
Not only you guys need to eat,
go feed my other babygirl who talks with a squeak.

I laughed when I realized she was talking about our new little pup Riyah. She's so little, she hasn't really learned to bark yet but she's getting there.

I went to the end of the living room where her little room is

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I went to the end of the living room where her little room is. It's a tiny closet we don't use, she loves it in here so we've decorated it a bit. We always leave it open for her to go in and out as she pleases.

"Hey mamas baby." I cooed rubbing the head of my sleeping puppy

She slowly picked her head up and was soon running around my legs in circles making squeaks at me. I laugh a little and put some food in her bowl.

I took this time to read the next clue.

Clue #3
Even though at the time it wasn't very bright,
we managed to have a big ole fight.

Fight? Our last fight happened in a sushi restaurant. Lol, don't ask. I looked around in confusion, hoping something would catch my eye.

1082 Words💍💛

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