{{Chapter 35}}

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*That Same Day Kamila's POV

Today, besides being sore was a-mazeballs. I totally got accepted into an internship. The lady took me in on the first day which id very rare I heard.

I hadn't been the only one, there were 2 others that were picked I heard. I was currently the President of the Company's assistant. I've been told that I can work my way up to being the CEO's assistant. I'm supposed to just learn from what she does.

I wasn't supposed to work today because interns normally don't get picked on the first day of workshops. But that wasn't the deal. It was 8:41.

I don't intend to leave this late everyday not do I have to, but I had fallen asleep in the office..yes on my first day I know that's horrible. My boss had already left so I didn't get into any trouble.

My car was right down this street from the office. As I passed a man sleeping on the sidewalk I thought about how much I hated the city. It reeks. I lightly tripped on a crack in the ground and groaned. An alleyway coming up was on my right and I looked as I passed. Not even seconds later I regretted my decision when I was yanked right into it.

"W-" the wind was knocked out of me when a hoodied human with bright red contacts put a tightened grip on my neck and I began coughing for air. Something covered my nose and mouth and soon I felt lightheaded and was met with darkness.


When I woke up I moved my head around, I had a massive headache. I was still in the alleyway, it was cold. Atleast I wasn't laying on the nasty ground..but I was sitting on it. 🤷🏽‍♀️

I looked around the darkness, further into the alleyway was a dumpster. My phone was on the ground besides me. My small little backpack was too. I looked around in it and nothing was missing. I wasn't robbed. I tried to move and a pain shot through my pelvis, one that I had experienced before.

Tears prickled at the back of my eyes when I realized what had happened.

Or what she assumed anyways.

I brought my knees up to my chest and cried.

I don't know how long I sat there feeling sad, angry, violated, dirty, used, and like trash..left by the dumpster. I managed to stand up and get my things, hurrying to the car to avoid anything or anybody else.

I checked my phone when I finally got to the car, it was 10:22.

I didn't want to get on the highway with tears in my eyes. I didn't want to add a car accident to this horrible night but I drove home anyways.

Arriving at moms' house Kenny was standing by the door as usual. He didn't bother asking any questions when he saw the tear stains on my cheeks from the outside light. He let me in with no hesitation.

"Momma." I managed to get out through sobs

She had been right there on the couch.

"Babygirl what happened?" I collapsed in her arms and she rubbed my head while holding me tight with the other arm

"What's wrong?"

My crying signaled that I wasn't going to answer and she just held me until I was calm.

I presumed ma was already in bed.

Little by little I explained to her what had happen and that there's 0 chance of finding this person because of their all black gear and red contacts.

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