{{Chapter 28}}

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"Morning ma." King came into the kitchen

"Good morning." I smiled at him

"What you making?"


"What is that? I wanna help." He stood there admiring my work

"Can you get me the cheese please?" I asked politely and he left to go get it

He returned with the cheese and put it on the counter after shaking it up to separate some of the clunked up shreds.

"Chimichangas are fried burritos, it's a Spanish dish."

"Sounds amazing." He says now interested

I finished the meal with some assistance and we both sat and ate. He complemented me on my cooking and asked if I would be able to show him how to make some things.

"We have lots of time." I smiled and he did too

King's POV*

I licked my lips when an unreadable expression took over her face. We had been talking and I ended up telling her that I was a dad. I've kept it from her long enough anyway.

She continued to gape at me. I sighed, feeling a headache approaching.

"There's a lot u don't know about me."

"You got a kid bruh?" All that time she took she only cake up with that?

"Baby, 7 months."

"Can I meet her?" She asked and I looked at her like she was crazy

"Who said it was a girl?"

"Just a hunch."

"Huh. Ain't no follow up questions?"

"Yea, they're called follow up questions for a reason." She smiled

"Yea you can meet her." I smiled back

"She's with her mama?"


She nodded and bit her lip.

Where's her mom?

"Where's her mom?" Bingo

"She uh..passed away."

"You killed here!?" She damn near yelled

"Nooo, she actually passed away!"

"Oh. My condolences."


"Can I see a picture." She smiled some more

Huh, not the response I was expecting. Wife material?

I showed her some pictures and she told me how beautiful she was.

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After that we went to our classes for the day

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After that we went to our classes for the day. When we returned we talked some more and decided to try and finish Lucifer. Kamila made sandwiches then invisibly chained me to the couch like the kid she is. She lasted way longer than she normally would, she fell asleep 2 hours in when normally she wouldn't last an episode.


Sorry for the short chapter.
I'll make up for it in the next one for sure.


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