{{Chapter 8}}

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*Saturday Morning Kamila's POV

I woke up by the ring of my phone and picked it up to see who was calling.

I quickly rubbed my eyes to try and make sense out of the Called ID and I had no luck. I said screw it and answered.

"Morning boss!" I heard Maddie's cheery voice

"Morning Mads, what's up?"

"Your meeting is today at 2 that's in 4 hours.I already called Smiley to let her know."

Incase you were wondering why everybody calls Marianna Smiley, it's because that's her street name. Mines is Queen or Tito.

"Thanks, I'll meet you at the house at 1."

"Got it boss, see ya."

"Ight, be safe." I said and gave her a phone kiss

I got up and head out to the kitchen to see if Kyng made breakfast and was met with a glance of him then the door shut. Okay? I'll text him in a minute.

Kyng's POV

Yea, your boy finally got a Pov. I just wish it would've been on better conditions.

Ever woke up to a call saying your baby mama was in the hospital taking her last breaths. Well, a baby momma you actually get along with. Maybe even love. Yea I got a baby..but that's not important right now.

Aaliyah is her name. She had an asthma attack and they found something in her lungs. Basically she could die any time now. When I tell you I loved that girl to death..she was my rock even tho we weren't together.

We were cool and friends and stuff even tho deep down we both loved eachother. More than friends should, I don't think those feelings would ever go away.

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes as I drove to the hospital she was at, was she really about to leave me and our babygirl? You really never know when it'll be your time man.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and took it out and unlock it seeing a pic of my babygirl, and I on my home screen. She looks so much like her mom. One of those tears fell onto the screen. I locked the phone and flung it on the passenger seat before I even checked the message that came.


I was finally at the hospital and I swear I never moved so fast in my life. I race to her hospital room and met her mom, her dad, and my babygirl outside of the room.

Taking my babygirl, I kiss her cheek holding her close and another tear fell knowing that she wouldn't even remember her mom.

"She's awake waiting for you, she knew you'd come." Her mom told me and I handed my babygirl back to go and see her

As I stepped into the room her head turned to the door and she smiled that beautiful smile that I fell in love with.

"Are you really about to leave us?" I asked sitting on the chair next to her bed

A tear rolled down her face and she opened her mouth to speak but then closed it.

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