{{Chapter 27}}

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I blinked a few times awaking from my slumber. I looked around to see that Kyng and his mom were sitting besides me. I was laying on the couch with a blanket over me.

"Oh thank god that was just a dream." I sighed sitting up which alerted the other two in the room, letting them know I was awake

"Hey babygirl u finally awake huh." Blue came into the room and I facepalmed

"Not a dream." I bit the inside of my lip

She came and sat besides me.

"So u tryna tell me why she calling u babe n shit?" Kyng questioned

"No am I alright, am I ok?" I scoffed

"Hey it's aight man she ain't my girl or nun."

"One of y'all better cuff her because she's beautiful."

I blushed and thanked her, letting her know she was beautiful as well.

"So y'all are really siblings? Why didn't u idiots tell me?"

"Well sorta, Kayla and I are adopted but I didn't know u were roommates with this pussy."

"I didn't know u knew this punk a-."

"Hey where's Killa?" I cut them off from insulting each other

"Ughh. 'Killa'. His name is Kw-"

"Khelani stop giving my government out to people!" I heard him yell from another room

He came into the room joining everybody and soon followed Kayla.

"It's so annoying hearing everybody calling u Killa, sounding so vicious and shit. I wear the pants around here." She said smugly with a '😌' face

"Of course u do." He laughed sitting next to her

"How u doing?" He asked me

"I'm ok, I fainted? That's kinda cool I've never fainted before." They laughed at me

"Wait how do u know my dad again?" Kyng finally spoke up again

"I -I uh-"

"She's an associate."

"An associate how? An associate how?"

"Hey don't worry about that, it's work and that's that."

"What do u do?"

"I work with weapons, ok? That's all u needs know."

"And u knew about this?" He asked Blue

"Sure did."

"U got her mixed up in the shit didn't u?"

"Nah, she was already there when I got to the trap, I just had to become friends with that pretty face." She smirked

"U know u could've said something." I told Kayla who had just crawled into Blues lap

"Nobody asked." She stuck her thumb in her mouth

"Is dinner ready? Cause I'm starving."

"Sure is sweetie, wanna help me set the table?" She asked and I nodded getting up

"Can I come?" Kayla begged

"Yea baby lets go."

She hopped off the couch and followed us into the kitchen. We set the table and she had asked how I managed to get close to both her crazy kids. I found out that King's name is actually spelt with an I but he spells it with a y everywhere so his 'true identity' was hidden. It's not that much a change but ok.

Everybody sat down to the table and Khelani served three big dishes and a small one that held:

Roast Pork
Baked Macaroni/ Yellow Rice
Mixed Vegetables.

Kwanye, yes I said Kwanye, said a prayer then everybody dug in. I was only on my second bite of pork and it was amazing. I'm not really a fan of pork or steak but this pork was amazing.

As I looked over to Kayla she smiled at me then forced piece of pork into her mouth with her fingers.

"Momma." She called

"We don't eat with food in our mouths, remember babycakes?"

"Blue does it."

"I do not!" She protested and I laughed

"Can u tell the story of when u adopted me?"

"Are u gonna make us tell everybody?" Blue asked

"Hey! I like telling it, it's cute."

"Really ma."

"U were a little pussy ass kid." King laughed

"I wanna know the story."

Blue groaned and Khelani smiled putting down her fork.

"Ok right, so it was your regular Monday morning, five years ago. Everybody else was in school and at the time I only had King and Keshawn."

I remember Kings brother was here as she mentioned him. I looked over to him and saw that him and his girlfriend were having a conversation of their own. Their cute. I turned my attention back to the story teller.

"We were supposed to be going to an animal shelter...don't ask."

"Walking into the building we heard screaming..it was yours truly Blue. She was screaming 'Don't fucking touch her'."

"She found Kayla outside while taking out the trash that same day. She felt like she had to watch over Kayla as her own, she was only one. Blue was fifteen."

"She was very uncooperative, they called her. Kayla on the other hand was no better because she would only let Blue touch her. Total chaos broke out right as we walked in. Kayla was crying her lungs out, Blue was shouting at everybody and threatening the guards with butter knives."

"We knew right away that we had to have them, we didn't even think about adopting before. But yea, took us a while to fill out paper work and to convince Blue to come home with us. We made a deal, she agreed to cooperate with us if changed her name."

"And y'all punk asses never changed it, I should've ran away."

"Oh and not to mention, she's been locked up twice between 14 and 15 for street fighting."

"What can I say I was ruthless."

"Please, when your ass got here u were shitting bricks." King added

"I ain't never seen so much boys in like life bruh."

"Boys? There's only two of you."

"King invited some of his friends over after basketball practice. Blue wouldn't leave the room."

"Aww u were scared." I laughed and she just shook her head

"I wasn't scared, and stop callin me that ma."

We finished dinner and watched a movie after so Blue and I didn't get to hang out again but we still had fun. Their family is pretty cool.

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