{{Chapter 40}}

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Clue #4
Even though at the time it wasn't very bright, we managed to have a big ole fight.

Fight? Our last fight happened in a sushi restaurant. Lol, don't ask. I looked around in confusion, hoping something would catch my eye.


That's until the window did. We were outside this morning at 3am, having a tickle fight on the trampoline. Until Blue fell into the pool and I laughed my ass off.

I gave babygirl some water and made sure she was still eating before leaving to the backyard making sure I closed the door. The next card was right there on the big pool floaty.

Clue #5
Just like a pool, there's an ocean of water. After we left this place I took you to meet my father.

The beach, duh. I gotta drive now? Ugh.

She took me on a date on this private beach near a restaurant then gave me a promise ring. After, she took me with her to visit her daddy's grave.

"Need a ride?" I heard and spun around to see Marianna with a smirk on her face. 

I hopped in her car and we left to the beach, I must admit I chatted her ear off until we got there. Hey, you kinda sign up for that kinda stuff being a bestfriend/sister anyways.

When I got there I went a little closer to the shore. There was a huge heart dug into the sand, rose petals outlined it and glitter was within it. I walked over in it and looked at the bottom of my foot that was now covered in glitter. I giggled and picked up the card that lied in front of me. I looked around for Marianna before I started reading but she wasn't there, oh well. I began reading-

Clue #6
After a long night of getting beat, every day you now ask me to bring you a treat.
I have two babygirls in front of me and one at the place we sleep. Is it bad that I still feel a bit incomplete?...

I frowned at that one and flipped the card over looking for the rest but found nothing. I threw my hands up and began looking around.

"And that's because I haven't had the chance to beg at your feet." I heard behind me and turned around to see Blue on her one knee, she held a box with a beautiful ring sitting in it

"Mane, would I love to call you my wife until the day god and I meet." She bit her lip and a tear fell from my eye

"Now I had written a script..even though google told me not to. I didn't want to mess up...But I uh, forgot it all anyways." She cleared her throat and some people around us laughed

I looked around briefly and saw a huge circle of people I loved around us, everybody was holding candles. This was beautifully planned. I turned back to Blue giving her my undivided attention.

"With u here besides me, I've changed for the better.. Babygirl, you've made me the happiest person in the world. From that day I met you in the trap to now that I'm down on my knee. Every second had been a dream come true because I know I met the love of my life. My past wasn't perfect. My present isn't exactly pretty..and I can guarantee that my future won't be flawless. With you beside me I know I can achieve anything. I could never dream of anybody else I'd rather have my babies and spend the rest of my life with. With that being said, baby, would you marry me?"

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