{{Chapter 6}}

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*In the Morning

I woke up and dragged myself to the kitchen.

I go to the kitchen and see Kyng in nothing but pants, something that I'm slowly getting accustomed to.

He was eating Cheerios and I saw another bowl there with Cheerios in it and the bottle of milk besides it. I sat across from him and pulled the bowl toward me.

"Morning." I spoke pouring milk into my bowl

"Morning princess." He told me and I couldn't help the blush so I looked down to my bowl of cereal

"Soo since u already took me out I wanna take u out next." I smiled

"Alright where you gonna take me?"

"I don't know yet."

I mixed it around a bit then ate a few spoons, my bowl didn't have that much cereal left in it but I just didn't feel like finishing it.

I stood with my bowl and went to the sink emptying the contents and watched as it went down the drain.

I went to the fridge grabbing the ingredients for my favorite home made snack and I decided to make two.

I cut off the top of two strawberries and I spread Nutella over the top then crushed up Cheerios and put those on. After that I cut two slices of banana and top it off with that.

I carried the plate to the island just as Kyng finished his cereal. I took mines off the plate before sliding it over to him.

"Try it." I told him and he picked it up and ate it

"That's delicious ma." He told me and I nodded then took a small bite of mines

"You normally play witcho food?" He asked me curiously while taking the bowl and plate to the sink

"Nah I'm just not hungry." I finished it anyway

"You barely ate. You alright babygirl?"

"Yea just a few cramps." I say walking into the living room and he follows close behind me

"Can I go get you anything?"

"You don't mind?" He shook his head

I looked down to my phone when I got a text "Just advil, they finished."

When I looked up I had a clear view of the tv, he wasn't even there. I kissed my teeth when I heard the shower.

He came back. "Just advil right? Go head and take a shower I'll be back okay?" He helped me up even tho I didn't need it, then he grabbed his wallet and left.


When he came though the door I furrowed my eyebrows at the bag in his hand because it looked heavy. He grabbed a water bottle and made his way to me and emptied the bag on the couch. There was the advil I asked for, along with a Twix, some watermelon slices, ice cream, and a little helium balloon on a stick.

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