{{Chapter 29}}

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*2 Months Later Kamila's POV

"That's it for today. Go get a good nights rest my people."

Everybody lowered their weapons and sighed of relief. We had been at it all day, it was going on 8 and everybody was exhausted. We were going to battle in exactly 4 days and we wanted to be at our best. Everybody else thinks that they are and well..I just want everybody to be able to go home to their families.

"We meet up here tomorrow at 5, we only have to go over the plan one last final time. I promise I'll let u leave before 7."

I heard some "thank gods" errupt around the room. There was only 7 people in here but it felt so full, I was fucking exhausted. I left the room and saw King sitting on the couch.

"Hey can u please drop me off at my mommas house?" I asked politely

He agreed and we left, it wasn't far from Kings warehouse that we train in but I still managed to fall asleep.

*In The Morning

I rubbed my eyes and looked around, I was in my bedroom.

How I got in here? I have no idea. I looked over to my dressing table that never had an alarm clock. I looked around for my phone and found it plugged into my charger but laying on the floor. I ran the back of my wrist over my eyes hoping to wipe away the blur and it did. I got my phone to check the time and it was 2:27.

I unplugged it and turned onto my music as I made my way to the bathroom. Die Young by Roddy Ricch came on. I stepped into my shower and turned on the hot water and a tad bit of cold.

By time I finished putting on my charcoal face mask the song was finished. Every Season by Roddy Ricch followed and I knew every word of it.

After my glorious shower I ruffled my hair with my towel then blow dried. I took off my face mask and wrapped myself in my towel to rinse my face. Then I moisturized my face and got out my lotion.

She call me daddy, I don't even know her mama
She gon' do it for some Dolce Gabbana
Louis, Gucci, Fendi, Prada, designer
With no strings attached, like Balenciaga

She call me daddy, I don't even know her mama
She gon' do it for some Dolce Gabban-ahh

What frightened me was a knock on the door, ma and momma should be at work already. I opened the door and was greeted by Blue who joined me in the bathroom.

"I see u slept well." She sat on the sink counter and kissed my cheek

"Well now I gotta put on clothes." I ignored her statement

I left to the room and pulled some clothes from my drawers and Blue followed me around like a lost puppy.

"You're making me dizzy, go sit somewhere." I rolled my eyes

"Nah." I sat on my bed and pulled up my panties below my towel

I put on my bra and Bleu continued to wonder my room.

"These are cute." She held up one of my pink panties

I scoffed and went to take it from her.

"Can't reach it." She teased and held it high above her head

"Screw that, keep it bruh." I sat again and finished applying lotion to my body.

*Blues POV

I had her cute little "thongs" in my hand and a blue hair tie, I put the hair tie on my wrist and out her panties back. I needa see her in those sometime.

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