{{Chapter 31}}

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Mari and I zip-lined over to the building that stood a few feet shorter than the one we left from. We strapped up with some guns that stood right outside the door. Thank god we had trained for this also. We made sure they were properly loaded and attached our silencers.

We both had M4A1's.

We let a few bullets rip to make sure it was working right and I sighed

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We let a few bullets rip to make sure it was working right and I sighed. I saluted at the sniper that was watching our backs and he nodded. Marianna opened up the door and the rest was history.


Like I said earlier, Blue was shot...well if u could call it that. Some others too. King was shot in his arm, the bullet was extracted and he was wrapped up. We were impatiently waiting in this waiting room for them to come and get us. Kyng, Killa, Kayla, Khelani, Keshawn, Marianna, and I. Now she wasn't shot near any major organs but she was bleeding for a long ass time and I fear she's lost a lot of blood.

"Family of Blue Carter."

"Shh!" Killa hushed the man from calling out Blue's government I guess

Everybody got up and approached the man as he gave Killa a confused look.

"We were about to start the surgery on her but before we even got her open but we've been able to  conclude that she's lost a lot of blood. Now, we've been running low on the type of blood that she'll need. If we have to wait on the blood we'll have to push the surgery to tomorrow. In order for us to perform surgery today, one of u would have to donate so-"

"Me, I'll do it!"

"Hold on, says here that Blue is O Positive so she'll need another O Positive or a-"

"O Negative, I can do it!" I interrupted again

"Ok sweetie well let's get going." He chuckled

I left everyone else who went to see Blue while they took my blood. He guided me into a room where a pretty lady stood at the sink/counter. They talked for a minute while I zoned out. She sat me in a chair and started putting together some things. I eyed the long ass needle in her hand and I was reminded why I hate doctors.

"Sorry about this." The lady said putting the long needle on the side

"Sorry about wha- oww." She quickly stuck me with a needle and blood started to come out

That's not how u take someone's blood!

"That's just to test it sweetheart." Ohh

She took some of the blood that came from my arm then wiped the rest away, she then put a bandage on it.

"So what are u to the patient that needs the blood, I hear u were very urgent about helping." She giggled and I did too

"Well umm..she's my..I just care about her a lot." I concluded and cleared my throat as she typed on the computer thing

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