{{Chapter 20}}

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*Kamila's POV Recap

"How've u been?" I asked and he sighed

"I'm uh..mourning." He gave me a sad smile

I gasped.

"Was that so hard to say?! My condolences. Was it family?"

"Thanks, and yea it was family."

"Ohh I'm sorry, who died?" I looked to him and his eyes shifted

He gave me a look telling me he doesn't want to talk about it anymore. I left him alone and finished up my project in peace. After, I suggested we watch a movie knowing it'll either put me straight to sleep or help us catch up.

We made a quick dinner and sat on the couch with a blanket. Finally, I found Lucifer and put it to play. I've been waiting to watch this for the longest.


*The Next Day Kamila's POV

It was bright and early when I woke up on my couch. Not with Kyng, but with Marianna. I was wrong when I thought that I would be going straight to sleep. Mari came over and we worked on the project. We finished it last night and I'm glad because now we could have our Sunday to ourselves. Besides an hour or two of training, we have a free day.

It was 8:22 when I got up to make breakfast. I was feeling kinda lazy today so I'll just prepare cereal. That was until someone knocked on the door and I went to go answer it.

It was Lai. Marianna's roommate incase u don't remember. She looked hella sleepy.


"Hey..she was supposed to be back at ten." She told me and I laughed.

"She's on the couch, wake ha up for me."

"Way ahead of u."

"U want some cereal?"

"Sure." She disappeared into the living room

I didn't know if we would have enough milk for everybody so I put the milk in first. I had to measure it man don't kill me. 🤦🏽‍♀️ When I made sure everybody had an equal amount of milk I put out the cereal we had which included:

Life ~ Cinnamon,
Crunch Berries,
Fruity Pebbles,
Honey Nut Cheerios.

I went to wake up Kyng and everybody made their way to the kitchen. As they approached the island they all looked at me.

Marianna looked at me like I was dumb. Lai looked at me as if she was thinking "wtf". Kyng looked at me like I'm a weirdo but at the same time he was too sleepy to care.

"I ain't gon even ask." Lai sighed

"I had to make sure it had enough milk for everybody!" I defended myself

Everybody sat and picked their choice of cereal to eat. We made little conversation even though Marianna continued to scold us. We ignored the fuck out of her and she soon gave up and joined us. I finished eating first cause a nigga was hungry. I did my morning routine and came out to find that's Kyng went on a morning run and Lai and Marianna went back to their room.

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