{{Chapter 24}}

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"Cmon u two left feet fucker." This guy can't dance to save his life

We were playing Dance Mania in the arcade and I was on 4 stars meanwhile Kyng was on 1 barely going on two.

"Alright alright u win." He stepped off and I groaned

"U could've finished the game loser."

"I already lost." He chuckled heading to the Jurassic ball vehicle multiplayer thingee game

He sat and put in coins for both of us, knowing I was down for any of the games. I sat down watching as the directions quickly pass. It was like a driving game, we had to dodge all the dinosaurs. We also had to make sure we didn't roll off the cliff like they did in the movie. (If u watched it)

After I won that game we played the grabbing game that always cheats. Nobody got anything and I checked the time and it was already going on 4:30. Time was quickly running out so we headed to the basket ball game to settle this once and for all.

The game quickly went by. The whole time I was trailing by 2 but one of the kids in here helped me out by throwing a stuffed at his head. I caught up and we kept at a tie while we had 20 seconds left. I got a little too anxious and tried to speed up. We are not ending this game with a tie. My balm fumbled and I whined not wanting to lose. I looked to the time and only 5 seconds were left. I soon heard an ear piercing scream and flinched when the my last ball flew to hopefully go in the hoop.

I looked to my right when the game buzzed and saw that Kyngs ball fell. I saw it bounce away and we both whooped our heads up to see the score. I was one score higher, I had one.

"YESS!" I yelled louder than anything or anybody in the arcade

Everybody looked towards up but I ignored them and began jumping up.

"I won!" I yelled sticking my tongue out at him

"Oh yea." I did a little happy dance and he just smirked looking at me

"And u better not say u let me win cause u was trying hard like a mother fucker." I told him with a smug look


Walking into my dorm my arms were full with my school stuff and Blue was sitting on the couch.

"Why are u here?" I asked

"Well I feel welcomed." She spoke

"Com'ere." She spoke and I dropped the contents that filled my arms onto the coffee table then sighed

I checked Kyngs room and sure enough he wasn't here. I was about to get something to eat because I was hungry as fuck.

"You look stressed." She told me grabbing my hand and dragging me onto the couch besides her

"I am, but I still have more work to do so is this..whatever it is gonna take long?"

She shrugged then put me on her lap to face her.

"What's wrong? Tell me." Her hands began to soothe my shoulders

"Today I was in class and this girl would not stop watching me. Like I don't even know the girl and her eyes were on me like every time I look her direction! I don't like drama and I don't need it obviously, so I slid her a quick note and asked if everything was ok. She rolled her eyes, crushed it up, then threw it at me."

"Mhmm." She urged me to continue and I put my head on her chest when her massage began feeling real nice

"So I'm like the fuck is this girl's problem? Anyways I decided to leave her alone. I was doing really well in that class and didn't want to screw shit up." I explained while enjoying the feeling of her hands pressing into my hips

"Mmh." I moaned

"She continued throwing papers at me and there were two students between us and I wanted one of them to say something so badly! Like who throws papers? That's so childish." I say picking up my head briefly to look at her

"So eventually I wasn't gonna take this girls shit any longer and I glared at her and warned her as quietly as I could and she continued so I accidentally, on purpose hit her with a book."

"I got kicked out of class and missed the lesson and now I have no idea how to complete this stupid assignment...things were going so well too! The professor liked me and she was gonna let me tutor one of my class mates for extra points. Now all of that is gone...and my head hurts." I concluded with a pout

She kissed my lips softly making my pout go away then her hands down to my butt and rubbed on it gently for a second.

"I swear if I see her off campus I'm beatin her ass, on me. I ain't into that ghetto shit but I ain't bouta leave her do me like that and get away with it."

"You too pretty to be fightin so calm yo lil ass." Blue warned

"So what ima do?" I asked

"You already hit 'ole girl wit a book." I kissed my teeth

"Chill mamas." She tapped on my ass gently signaling for me to get up and I didn't because I wasn't done with her yet

She slid me off her lap and onto my feet and stood up behind of me then walked around me going to the kitchen.

I huffed and went to my room and took off everything. I then put on some joggers and a sports bra and lastly one of her hoodies I accidentally brought back here.

I met her in the kitchen and she slid me two Advil's and a bottle of water. I thankfully took it and she took my hand leading me out of the dorm.

"Where we going?" I asked

"To your professor so you can apologize." My jaw dropped

"But that girl didn't even get in trouble!" I whined

"You tryna fail yo class? Cause she ain't finna let you in that class if you don't."

Ight that's true.

"That's what I thought." I rolled my eyes

"But I'm hungry tho."

"We can go get food after."

1074 Words💍💛

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