{{Chapter 30}}

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It was time for battle, no backing out. We were at the warehouse.

"Life can be hard, life can be a bitch." Blue said breaking the silence

Everybody gave her their attention.

"Daddy died when I was just 10, from cancer. Cancer is a bitch. I've never met my mom but I make it to work everyday to show my little sister and that sweet little girl over there..." she pointed at Bee who we were going to leave behind

"That nothing in life should be a limit."

"We finna get out alive.."

"Period!" I said and she looked to me and smiled

I had to brighten the room because u could clearly see she wasn't sure of what had left her mouth, she was scared.

"The mission ain't to go out there and kill..its to make it back hea' alive for ya families."

Everybody came from in the back making a circle around her and put her in the middle.

"What happens out there is on us, just remember everything we practiced. This could be the last time we see or hear from our families u guys know that right?" She looked into everybodies eyes, nobody had the guts to look away

Everybody was now hungry and eager.

"And that's why we gotta make sure we got each others backs!" Killa spoke up after being quiet

"We've has this planned for a while now, this cannot be a bust. Over everything, we've gotta make sure we come back." Everybody nodded, not wanting to break the background silence

"Go call ya families, tell em u love em, and gather back here so we could pray." Everybody fanned out to a corner and I went to meet Blue

"Hey bae."

"Hi. It's ok to be scaredy u know." I caressed her face

"This ain't my first rodeo babygirl."

"I know. But u didn't deny it." I whispered the last part and she nodded

I wasn't as worried as she was, she would be inside where all the shooting went on while I would be on the whole other building. My throat burned as I thought about her being near all those flying bullets. I was worried for her. But as she said she had done this before so that eased my nerves a bit.

"Ima go call momma ok?" I told her and pecked her lips before leaving her by herself.


We pulled up at the location, it was dark. That's because it was like 3am. I kissed Blue and she told me she loved me.

"I love you too."

How am I kissing I didn't say that. Although I wished I had. I didn't have the guts to do it.

I hugged King and told him to be safe.

Her team took off one way and the others split up as well. I took my team to the other building along with our guard and headed to the rooftop. As planned our weapons were already set up by the pre battle team.

It was breezy as hell up here. We all got into position in front of our weapons, the guard stationed in front of the door to up here.

Without even making a peep, I knew my team was already thinking what I was thinking. We looked for any other snipers and took them out in record time. I sighed in relief knowing they were paying attention.

The two on the end which included me looked out for anybody else sniping while the three in the middle looked into the building but nobody had made it to the main room yet.

*Blues POV

Xo had turned off the alarms then we headed in but that was a while ago. At the moment some bodies had to dropping. As we hit the back foot we heard the rumble of bullets flying into the air. Scream and cries followed. We busted in and was immediately met with guards. From the corner of my eye I saw the one of the other teams coming through another door I hadn't seen.

I cocked my gun back with no hesitation and sprayed out like 50 bullets. Bodies were dropping like flies, just like I expected. The others team took cover to reciprocate the hail I just let rip.

I kept shooting down bodies until I needed to reload so I took cover and replaced the empty bullet pack with a brand new one.

Coming out of my hiding place I saw a body from the other team drop and I gulped. I have no idea who it was but there's a possibility that it was one of my employees.

My emotions almost got the best of me, I was about to empty a clip in the guy that shot him down. They dragged him back, he was covered. Again I had to reload and when I was finished I looked over in their direction. I waited for them to reveal themselves by taking off their head gear but they never did. They simply nodded their head out to the commotion signaling for me to go back out and I did just that.

More and more bodies littered the floor and we made our way into a big room with windows. I believe this is where babygirl and the others are able to snipe into.

The other team and mines handled whoever came into the room but stayed alert because the other teams should be coming in through that way and we don't wanna shoot any of them down.

*Kamilas POV

As everybody slowly made their way into the room I took down a few along with everybody else and I watched the door closely. The other teams I could see through the small window in the door, it was a little crowded in there. I took out some more and saw bodies go down that neither I or the team shot..my snipers got this. I watched Blues back and saw a few approaching the team from behind and took them out as fast as I could. A few people came through the door and the other team enclosed them from the back.

The last door that had no movement behind it for the longest was opened and some people piled in. More bullets started flying and I happened to see one ricochet and hit somebody on our team.I barely caught it. It slipped below their vest and went into their..pants. I don't wanna know where that hit. They fell to the floor and I happened to catch a view of golden curls..that's Blue. She inches herself out the door behind them and somebody followed her to help. Somebody else was shot in their arm and somebody else was shot down. Things were going crazy right about now.

"Mari we gotta go in!" I told her and she only nodded

We stood to the end of the roof deserting our weapons.

"Let's go." She called

1166 Words💍💛

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