{{Chapter 26}}

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I woke up confused, just as I would any other morning.

In here wasn't as bright as it normally is.

My fingers peeked it's way out from under my blanket reminding me just how cold it was out there. I yawned and picked up my phone, the Face ID automatically unlocked it for me when I felt the need to pee.

I pressed my legs together and proceeded to check my notifications. I mentally facepalmed as I remember Blue texted me last night. I opened up her message box to read it and the others.


Sorry I couldn't call again today babygirl I had hella meetings that I couldn't get out of but I gotchu tho my voice is gonna be the first thing u hea in the morning cause I'm calling u bright and early and u ain't got a choice but to answer

I know your ass didn't read my message and fall asleep

Of course u did cause yo monkey head ass always sleeping

I love u sleepyhead sweet dreams❤️❤️

Aww. I noticed Marianna and I were the only ones still left in the group call and I left. I giggled a bit knowing we would all get curse for that later on. I went to open my Facebook but was cut off with a call.

"Morning beautiful." Her early bird head ass spoke into the phone

"Morning babe." I managed to croak out

I needa brush my damn teeth.

"Aww u just woke up, how'd u sleep." I put my phone on speaker getting out of bed

I headed into the bathroom, watching my feet pad lightly across the floor. I made sure Kyngs door to the bathroom was locked. God, in here was cold. Why do they even put ac vents in bathrooms?

"Hella good, I wish I was still sleeping."

"I feel u bae, I've been up since 5."

"Why?" I put the phone down and picked up my tooth brush

She was FaceTiming me so I ignored the fact that I might look like a monster and answered.

"Get that hair under control before it attacks me girl." She jokes and I laughed a bit

I took in her background when she shifted as I put toothpaste on my toothbrush.

"Wait are u in the airport?" I asked putting it into my mouth

"Sure am. I get to come home to u early." She said happily and I smiled

She began talking to somebody besides her so I took that as an opportunity to finish brushing my teeth.

I finished just as she stopped talking to look back at me, I took in the sleepy look in her eyes along with the rest of her face. I quickly dried my mouth when I heard shuffling from Kyngs room.

"Oh I love the shirt babygirl, did u put that on for me?" She smirked and I looked into the mirror

I had on a pink see through sleeping shirt that caused my hard nipples to be on display.

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