{{Chapter 34~Smut}}

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I'm warming u from now, this whole chapter is smut and is NOT at all holy. Skip if u want, you've been warned.

*Kamilas POV

She took off my bra in record time then shortly inspected the nails on her fingers.

"Bae-" before I could finish, I felt her long fingers enter my pussy and I whimpered, clenching on them

"Fu-fuck!" I couldn't even tell how much they were and at the moment I didn't really care

She began thrusting them in and out hard and I just continued clenching on them due to my sensitivity. I gripped onto my bedsheets that I knew were messed up beneath me. She managed to get them in deeper and I cried out in pleasure and she began kissing my hip.

Her eyes wandered away from mines and she ducked down to suck on my clit, her tongue flicking on it. I bit my bottom lip to suppress a moan but it barely helped. My nails began digging into my palm through the sheet and I let it go. I put my hand in her hair then soon felt her teeth graze against my clit.

I cried out a loud ass moan and my legs shook as I came, squirting on her, my sheets, and blanket. She wiped her face off with her hands and made eye contact with me when I whimpered. The horny feeling was still there, like a dent wasn't made.

She removed herself from her boxers and I lay my head on my pillow, preparing for what was about to come. Rubbing against my clit, to lube it up I presume I let out a sigh of pleasure but kept my guard up. I squeezed my eyes shut and my whole body tensed when I felt her tip enter me. Some tears left but I quickly wiped them away.

She stayed still, then rocked her hips into mines and a sob left my lips but I quickly covered it with a fake moan. I looked down to witness what was happening and our eyes met. If I wasn't so wet I'm pretty sure it would've been worse. I would've backed out.

The new feeling of being full came in a wave of pleasure and I moaned, involuntarily pulling my legs up a bit more. She skillfully rubbed on my walls every time she moved her hips back and forth.

Blue placed her hands onto my hips and plunged into me with a hard thrust. I threw my head back repeatedly moaning "Auhh Fhuckk!". I couldn't help it, my sensitive insides were pleased.

Without sliding out she flipped my small body, I was on my tummy now. She smacked me on my thigh and I knew that that meant. On all fours, I put my head in my pillow and arched my back and a groan left her mouth that made me smirk.

Starting up her thrusts again, slowly this time. The slow strokes felt soo good. She went deeper in this position, and the tempo was just A1. The bottom of my ass met her thighs every time. The full feeling was much more intense and my body shuddered, close to my release.

"Faster please." I begged, the only real words to come out my mouth in a minute

Her fingered moved against my clit when she sped up. She kept on plunging into me fast, with no mercy. Her hands slid from my hips to my back, then back up to my hips. When I got accustomed to the now fast pace I began meeting her thrusts and she hissed.

A pressure arose from deep inside of me and I knew I was right on edge. I clenched around her involuntarily again and we both moaned out. Tighter this time. I continued to throw my ass back.

"Fuck Babe, ahh." She moaned and slowed down for a second and stopped rubbing on my clit then sped back up, I could tell she was close too

She held a grip on my hair that was in a side bun and pulled on it, increasing my arch a bit and she groaned again. I threw it back a bit more and began feeling overwhelmed with pleasure, during that her balls slapped against me. Damn, she was balls deep now. It was a bit weird but that thought vanished quickly when the pressure built more and more.

Her thrusts got a bit sloppy and my legs began shaking. She pulled on my hair some more and my thighs got weak. My toes curled up, her penetration pleasing my walls, and just like that I came letting out my last moan. I clenched on her and pushed back a few more to ride out my orgasm. I felt her seed shoot itself deep inside of me and I squirted, or came, or maybe both I don't know.

*Blue POV

Her creamy white cum seeped out of her right after she squirted on me for the second time.

I let her hair go and grabbed ahold of her neck then switched up with some deep slow strokes to ride us both out. That shit was amazing.

"Ooahh" she gave me a strained moan when she couldn't support her arch any longer and I slid out slowly, escaping her tight clench


*In The Morning Kamila's POV

I looked over to see Blue asleep. Last night was amazingly good but I'm soo sore right now. I spread my legs and put my hands on my lower stomach. This part ain't so enjoyable. Blue rolled over, closer to me. I took my hands off my stomach not wanting her to see.

"I'm sorry babygirl." She said and put her hand right where mines came from

I didn't even know her ass was up, creep!

She got up and made us some sandwiches because I couldn't exactly make it to the kitchen. We were watching Jailbirds, but she wouldn't stop talking.

"Eww why she got her head so far in the toilet bowl."

I looked over to her watching her lips before covering them with my finger.

I spotted some mayo right below her bottom lip.

"You got cum on yo lip." I said then smirked looking back to the tv

I shifted then groaned when a sharp pain ripped through my pelvis.

1060 Words💍💛

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