{{Chapter 38}}

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When my phone was dead I crawled into the front seat that was empty besides Blue. The past occupant was currently asleep in the backseat.

When I got upfront I sighed.

"What u sighing for baby? U ain't had fun?"

I nodded.

"I'm just bored honestly."

"Plug in yo phone, and relax. We only got 8 minutes left."

"Gimme kiss."

"Girl I'm driving u gimme kiss." I laughed before I kissed her and laid my head on the window

I didn't wanna leave Blue alone so I didn't let myself fall asleep, we continued to make small talk until we arrived at this big house.

"Bienvenido a una de mis casas." She said proudly as she parked the car

(Welcome to one of my homes.)

"Did I say that right?"

"Hell yeah! Not even a note off." I high fived her and we laughed

She parked then did something on her phone before looking to the back seat.

"How we gonna wake them up?" We watched everybody cuddled up to each other

"Wake uppp!" I yelled and two heads flew up hitting the ceiling of the car

"Oww!" They groaned in unison while I just took a bite of my candy

"We're here." I grinned as the others slowly picked their heads up

"Jesus fucking christ." Lai held her head while managing to get out the vehicle

Stepping out I sighed in relief that we were finally here. In actuality..the ride wasn't that long but a nigga was bored. I reached back into the car grabbing my phone and slid it into my back pocket.

When everybody was at the door Blue fumbled with her keys before getting the door open. When she did it was dark asf, and smelt of weed.

That's what you're gonna smell in a drug lords house anyways.

I put my purse on the counter, it was still dark.

"Put on the light baby."

"Ight." I heard then it came on

Everybody body jumped out from behind a piece of furniture and they all yelled "SURPRISE!!"

"Ahh!" I jumped high asf then heard a glass fall and break

I cringed hoping it wasn't me that dropped/bumped that.

I looked behind me and saw the glass on the floor. The gang was in a circle around it almost and we were all looking at each other.

"I didn't do it!" I called first

"Somebody better clean it." Blue mumbled before walking away

"Not it!" Marianna

"Not it!" Lai

"Not it!" I said quickly

"Shit! Not it!" Jaya called out

Kailee gasped "Not i- I don't wanna do it!" Kailee whined

We heard laughing behind us and I remembered people were there.

I walked to the crowd seeing all my friends from both Atl and Florida. Everybody greeted me saying their Happy Birthdays. The music started back up and everybody traveled back to the dance floor that was upstairs.

"Happy Birthday Babygirl." Momma approached me and we fist bumped

"Oh god my baby is growing up so fast. Happy Birthday mija." Ma hugged me and kissed my forehead

"We finna leave cause we know u finna be doing stuff 19 year olds shouldn't be doing."

I laughed and I talked with them a bit more until we left.

I joined my friends on the dance floor right when a slow, freaky song came on. Not much time later I felt a body rock into mines and hands grip my hips. It was Blue of course. We started bumpin and grinding, Blue left me while I danced with Jaya to go get us some drinks.

I'm not big and drinking and she knew that. She brought me an Arnold Palmer with a little henny in it. (Arnold Palmer is a mix of iced tea and lemonade)

The drink wasn't that bad. I continued having a good time on the dance floor, until I was dragged away by Lai who took me to a room that were dedicated for hookas that were placed in a circle. And of course my antisocial gang were in here.

Why not have some more fun. I took my first from the hookah and I could assure u there was a lot of weed in here. The double apple flavor was irresistible though.

*Some time later*

I looked at the hookah tube thingee and my mind immediately realized that it resembled a straw.

"Does a straw have one or two holes?" I ask trying to look into it

"You're a dumbass." Kailee said and I just glared at her before we both burst into a fit of giggles

"Hey hey, listen up." Lai caught everybody's attention

"Nobody wanna listen to yo dopey white ass." Marianna told her

"I'm not white, gringa."

"Hey I'm not a-"

Pretty sure I saw some hand-around-throat kinda thing before I looked away.

"I'm fuckin sleepy yo." Blue said rubbing her eye

"I'm up for a nap..or is it I'm down for a nap?" Jaya stared off in confusion

"What if people who have anxiety are just unaccustomed to the way the world works because this is their first incarnation of their soul on earth? And confident people are at ease with the world because they have already been incarnated multiple times and, in a sense, already know how the world works."

I stopped taking puffs from the hookah when I heard Lai say anxiety. Hey I have that..but I'm confident too aren't I? I'm anxonfident.

I burst out laughing and everybody looked at me before joining in. I felt a gust of wind, then shortly realized Blue had slid me into her lap. I took out my phone and begun taking pictures and videos. Not long after it died again and I slid it under the couch so nobody would accidentally step on it.

Blue gave me a shotgun after taking a puff from her hookah because I had left mines behind. I still went to get mines though, I couldn't resist. I kissed her as a thanks then laid my head on her chest taking more puffs. Soon, I began drifting off to sleep but not before I felt Blues finger swipe against my nipple.

"Anybody else love nipples? Nipples rule the word bro..there's more nipples in the world than there are people ain't it? Ohh and don't get me started on pussy! They do pretty bruh." I heard from her and giggled lightly before the darkness completely took me over

1,082 Words💍💛

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