Chapter 1

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You stared in wonder at the endless rows of dragons as you followed Gobber. After around an hour of browsing, you came to a stop in front of a small cage, housing a little turquoise scaldren, cowering in the corner of it's little habitat. You smiled kindly at it, and the little dragon prowled slowly over to your out stretched hand. Purring, it nuzzled your hand playfully, causing you to let out a small giggle.

"Well, looks like it has taken a liking to you (Y/N)," Gobber said, chuckling.

"Can I keep him?" you squeaked in your little 8 year old voice.

"Of course, anything for the little princess," he beamed, setting the small dragon into your waiting arms. "Just remember, Scaldrens grow to be the size of a small whale, so you will have to keep him outside. And, provide him with lots of water, and fish." You nodded in acknowledgment. Your father came up behind you, setting his hand on your shoulder.

"I'm very grateful Gobber. I'm sure my village will be very happy uniting with yours," You didn't know what they were talking about, and looking around, you spotted a little brown haired boy hiding behind a stack of crates. Soon, you were led away, back to your ships that would take you back to (V/N), your home. Looking over your shoulder, you saw the boy running in the opposite direction. Shrugging, you played with (D/N) (Your dragon's name) as you boarded the ship back home.

. . .

"Woohooo!" you shouted, enjoying the feeling of the wind through your (H/C) locks as you sped through the sky on your fully grown scaldren. Reaching (V/N), you landed your huge dragon, sending him off to play in he ocean, (as was required considering he was an ocean dragon). Pulling your (H/L) hair out of it's tight ponytail, and ruffling it as you headed home.

"(Y/N)!" someone called. Spinning around, you were met with a young viking who was rapidly waving his arms as he ran up to you.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" you asked him. His face turned red, and he played with a loose string on his vest.

"(Y/N)... I was wondering if you would go out with me?" you sighed angrily, but carefully controlling your temper.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I'm not looking to be in any relationships at the moment," He sighed.

"OK, sorry to bother you..." You spun around and continued on your way. You were often stopped by young boys, and you were sick of it. Yes, most girls would kill for something like that to happen to them, but you thought of it like more of a curse. You were the chef's daughter, and as a result, very popular. However, you preferred to keep to yourself. You pulled up your hood, and continued to walk back to your huge house. Your father had ordered you to come home around midday, as he had something to talk to you about. I wonder what he wants...

Please comment and tell me what you think! (And I'm sorry for the short chapter. They will be longer)

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