Chapter 27

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Tears blinded you as you ran towards him. Everything going on around you seemed to freeze. You told yourself he would be fine, that everything would be okay, and you would live happily ever after like in fairytales. You reached him, throwing yourself down next to him. Toothless, who had now snapped out of the trance he was in, was watching in horror as you cried over him. 

"Hiccup," you gasped, caressing his cold cheek. "Please wake up!" He remained still. Sobbing harder, you pressed on his chest, trying in vain to get him to breathe. You bent down and put your mouth to his, breathing deeply. You repeated this over and over, refusing to believe it. You put your mouth to his one more time, crying harder than you've ever cried before. You were no longer doing CPR, you realized, you were kissing him. And... he was kissing back. You felt an ice cold hand caress your cheek, but you kept your eyes closed. You felt the body under you shift into a sitting position. The kiss itself was slow and passionate that spread warmth through your freezing body. You deepened the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. Finally running out of air, you pulled back, cracking open your eyes. Sitting before you, was Hiccup, who was smiling sadly, looking deeply into your (E/C) eyes. 

"H-Hiccup?" you asked quietly, squeezing his hand. 

"The one and only," he said cheekily, his voice cracking. You couldn't speak. Relief flooded through you, warming your shaking body. Hiccup opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off as your hand made contact with his cheek.

"I thought you were dead!" you screamed at him, the tears springing to your eyes again. "You scared me half to death!" You raised your hand to strike him again, but his time he caught it, lowering it before you hit him again. 

"(Y/N), I'm sorry." You collapsed sobbing into his chest again, hugging him tightly. He grasped your chin, lifting your head gently to look him in the eye. You could feel his breathe on your lips as he leaned down to your level. "(Y/N)," he whispered. "I have something tell you..." He closed the gap between you, kissing you softly. You kissed back immediately, leaning closer to him. B

After a moment, one glorious moment, you broke apart, and you leaned back giving him some space. "I think I might love you," he said quietly. Your face burned, and you smiled uncontrollably. 

"Hiccup, I think I love you too," He embraced you, rubbing your back in a small effort to warm you. You backed away, giving him your hand. He grasped it, stumbling shaking to his feet. You saw his armor charred at his stomach, and you looked at him qestioningly. 

"My armor mist have been able to withstand that blast," he told you, almost nonchalantly. You only nodded, smiling lime a fool. Hiccup's went grim. You turned to see what he was staring at, and gasped. There was Stoick, laying involving in a pool of red snow.

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