Chapter 16

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As soon as you were ready, a knock sounded at your door. You answered it, seeing Hiccup nicely dressed. You saw his eyes widen when he laid eyes on you. Your hair was done up, and you had dabbed a small amount of makeup on your porcelain face. But most beautiful was your dress. It surrounded your body in a sea of color. The silk had settled on your skin when you first put it on, feeling like a match made in heaven. It made your (E/C) eyes almost glow. At that moment, there were no words to describe how beautiful you looked. Hiccup just stared at you.
        "Wow (Y/N)," he stuttered. "You look..." You waited for him to finish his sentence. "beautiful," Smiling, you thanked him.
        "We should get going," you said, taking his arm and leading him out the door. Walking down the hall, you marveled at the beautiful decorations. Lights strung on rope littered the rooms. Flowers of all shapes and sizes were draped around every corner. Finally reaching the big room your party would take place in, you let go of Hiccup's arm and wondered around. Never had you experienced something like this. This was by far the biggest party you had ever been to, let alone it be your party. Hiccup watched in amusement as you pranced around, taking in everything. In one corner, there was a big wooden table with an enormous cake sitting among the assorted snacks and fruit. There were musicians on a small wooden stage playing an upbeat tune. You ran over to him. "This is amazing!" you told him. He smiled warmly.
        "Well, you defiantly deserve it (Y/N)," Your smile was almost to big for your face.
        Soon, the party started, guests flowing through the big wooden doors. You hardly knew anyone who had come, but you suspected Hiccup's father had invited everyone. You had danced with almost every young man at the party, and now stood panting by the snack bar. Glancing around, you spotted Hiccup and a bunch of girls crowded around him. Rolling your eyes, You took another sip of juice, trying to catch your breath.

                                     .                                                                                .                                                                .
        Hiccup's Point Of View
        As I was telling the story of how I met Toothless for the fifth time, Astrid came over to me, pulling me out of the crowd of girls and over to a corner.  
        "Hiccup, there's something we need to talk about," she said, looking downcast. I nodded slowly, unsure. She took a deep breath. "I think we should break up," I was speechless.
        "Why?" was all I could choke out. She shook her head. There was silence.
        "I see the way you look at her," she said, gesturing to the other side of the room, where (Y/N) was now dancing with another young man.
        "(Y/N)? Don't be ridiculous Astrid, I love you!" She sighed.
        "It's funny, you don't even realize it yet." Tears were brimming her beautiful blue eyes, and she quickly wiped them away.  "At first I was jealous," she continued. "But after Dan, I see just how much she needs you Hiccup. She doesn't want to get close to anyone, and I know you can change that." I've never seen Astrid act like this before, so wise.
        "What happened to you Astrid?" I asked her, taking her hand. "I've never seen you like this before," She smiled sadly, looking into my eyes and removed her hand from mine. 
        "You don't know everything about me Hiccup," she whispered. Then, she disappeared, running off to chat with some of her friends. What just happened?

                                    .                                                                              .                                                                   .

        Normal Point Of View 

        You had just poured yourself a cup of wine, when Hiccup came up to you, taking you by surprise and almost causing you to drop your wine glass.
        "Hiccup!" you gasped, clutching your heart. "You scared me!" He smiled, taking your hand.
        "There's something I wan to show you," he said, leading you away.  The chatter of guests soon died down, and you and Hiccup made your way through the halls, eventually stopping on a balcony. It overlooked the whole village.
        "Wow Hiccup, it's beautiful," you breathed, your breath catching in your throat.
        "Here," Hiccup said. You turned to see he was holding out a small box. You took it carefully, and lifted the lid. Inside, was a silver dagger. On the handle, your name was carved, along with "happy birthday". "Do you like it?" Hiccup asked. In response, You jumped up, and wrapped your arms around Hiccup's neck.
        "Thank you Hiccup," Your face felt like it would split in two after smiling so much. "I love it," You pulled back, looking into his pretty green eyes. He looked troubled. "Something wrong Hiccup?" you asked, genuinely concerned. He shook his head, putting on a fake smile.
        "No (Y/N), I'm perfectly fine. Just a bit tired." You raised an eyebrow, but didn't push any further on the matter. Sheathing the dagger, you put it back into the box, and stuffed it into the folds of your dress.
        "We should get back to the party," you said, taking Hiccup's hand and dragging him back the way you had come.

        Ps. Sorry if this was a bit unrealistic for Vikings, but I have no idea what their parties are like.        

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