Chapter 8

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 You glared at the ground, your ears straining to hear Astrid's muffled voice. You hated eavesdropping, and fought off the guilt rising in the pit of your stomach. Finally, you had had enough, unable to get anything more from the conversation, and deciding you were quite tired. You walked quickly to your room, carful to not make any noise.
        You sat on your bed with your head in your hands, wondering what on earth you were going to do. Deciding to just go to bed, you stripped off your clothing and curled up in a ball under the covers 
        A loud rapping at your door rudely woke you the next morning. Sighing, you pushed yourself out of bed, wrapping your bear body with your heavy blanket. Ripping open the door, you saw, once again, a servant standing in your doorway, looking slightly shaken.
        "What do you want?" you grumbled, hugging your blanket. 
        "Um... sorry to disturb you m lady, but your father wishes for you to meet him in the dining hall immediately." You nodded, slamming the door in the poor servant's face. Let's just say you weren't in a very good mood. Throwing on a light dress just to please your father, you made your way downstairs.
        Shoving open the heavy wooden door, you were greeted with the sight of your father talking with the chief of Berk, and none other than Hiccup. Hiccup was the last person you wanted to see.
        "I'm here father!" you chirped, earning all the men's eyes on you.
        "Aw, (Y/N)! Don't you look lovely today!" your father gushed.
        "You wanted to see me?" you asked, ignoring the comment. 
        "Yes, well, Hiccup's father and I have come to the conclusion you both have found... other, interests," Your face turned bright red. "and we thought it best that you and Hiccup spend some time together," Like a date? you thought, cringing. You saw Hiccup tense up. 
        "So," Hiccups father continued. "We've decided to send you two love birds out to spend some time alone,"
        "What?" you gasped, unable to stop yourself.
        "You'd better go get ready!" your father said, much too cheerily in your opinion. 
        "You mean now?" asked Hiccup, startled.
        "Of course!" his father answered. "I'll have some guards escort you out if your ready then," Before either of you could argue, you were shoved out the door by a pair of heavily muscled guards. Once outside, you and Hiccup were unsure of what to do.
        "Shall we?" Hiccup asked unenthusiastically holding out his arm. You grasped it rather tightly, making him flinch. You started off towards the sea. After a bit of walking around, you just ended up sitting down on the beach, something you would have considered quite romantic if the mood was not so depressing.
        "How much does Astrid hate me?" you asked Hiccup quietly, not meeting his eyes. He chuckled lightly.
        "I don't think she's hated anyone so deeply,"
        "That makes me feel better," you said sarcastically.
        "So, are you and Dan, dating now?" Hiccup asked. Your face turned red at the mention of Dan's name.
        "Well-I-I don't really know..."
        "Hiccup, can I tell you what happened at the arena?" you blurted. He sighed. 
        "Astrid has already told me everything (Y/N), I wish you would just drop it."
        "But Astrid's story is different! Just let me explain what-," Hiccup interrupted you.
        "No (Y/N)! Look, I know you're jealous of Astrid, but that doesn't give you the right to-"
        "Jealous? Of that pathetic brat you call a girl? I'd rather die," you spat. He glared at you.
        "How dare you speak of Astrid like that!"
        "Oh, I'm sorry if I offended your little girlfriend," you sneered, standing up. "If you love her so much, why don't you marry her instead?" you screamed at him, tears seeping from your eyes. Hiccup's face was red with anger.
        "Maybe I will!" he shouted at you.
        "I thought you were my friend Hiccup, but I guess I was wrong..." You turned and ran up the beach, trying to put as much distance between you two as possible. Marry Astrid for all I care.  

                                .                                                                               .                                                                            .  

        You had run to Dan's house, seeking comfort. He had opened the door to see you in tears, and gladly taken you in. You sat together as you explained to him what happened. He stroked your hair soothingly.
        "It's ok (Y/N)," he cooed. You buried your face in his chest, taking in his comforting scent. Frankly, you were embarrassed at how much you'd been crying lately, mostly over Hiccup. Dan lifted your head, and pulled you in for a sweet kiss. You smiled, enjoying the feeling of his warm lips on yours.
        "I love you," you whispered, cuddling back into his chest. H rubbed your back. "I love you too (Y/N),"

                             .                                                                                  .                                                                               .    

        You awoke to the sound of soft snoring. Lifting your head, you saw Dan sleeping peacefully, hugging you lightly. A light blush dusted your pale cheeks. Did I really fall asleep here? you thought, embarrassed. You poked Dan's cheek, giggling at his groggy face when he opened his eyes.
        "Hello love," he greeted, smiling down at you.
        "Morning," you smiled, pecking his cheek. You scrambled off of the chair you had fallen asleep in, letting Dan to stand up.
        "You should probably be getting home (Y/N)," he said, a worried expression on his face. You smirked.
        "You're so cute when your worried," you told him. You brushed your lips against his, leaving pink dusting his cheeks. Opening the door, you were greeted by a beautiful sunny morning. Humming to yourself, you reached the castle, almost to quickly. Opening the huge doors, you spotted Astrid and Hiccup huddled together in a corner. From what you could tell, they were full on kissing. Narrowing your eyes in disgust, you turned your back to them. "Get a room!" you shouted over your shoulder, smiling when you felt both sets of eyes boring into your back. On your way to your room, you heard your father's worried voice come from a small room.
        "We must make a plan of attack as soon as possible," he sounded urgent. You heard a chorus of "aye's".
        "Men! begin gathering all Vikings eligible for war! We will not loose!"       

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