Chapter 17

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After you and Hiccup returned, Hiccup was swarmed by a bunch of girls once again. Rolling your eyes, you ignored his pleas for help, walking back over to the snack table. You danced for a while longer, until your father stood on a table, and everyone turned to look expectantly at him. He cleared his throat.
        "I would like for Hiccup to have the last dance with his future wife, (Y/N)!" Your eyes widened, and your face became hot. Hiccup turned as red as a tomato. Your father stared at Hiccup, until he walked over to you, taking your hand. As Hiccup pulled you onto the dance floor, the music softened to a slower tune. Hiccup placed on hand on your waist, and you slowly put a hand on his shoulder. Your face was still on fire, and you could tell everyone had noticed. You and Hiccup began to sway back and forth across the room. The time seemed to pass in slow-motion as everyone at the party was staring intently at you and your dancing partner. You stumbled once or twice, quickly regaining your balance.
        "Sorry," you mumbled. " I'm not the best dancer." Hiccup chuckled lightly.
        "Your fine," You smiled, clearing your head and letting the sweet music envelope you. Soon, the dance was over, and you and Hiccup broke apart, still blushing furiously.
        "Thanks," you said quietly. He nodded, smiling brightly.

        Hiccup's Point Of View

        Eventually, the party broke up, and everyone went home. I said goodnight to (Y/N) and her father, before going back to my room, exhausted. I lay awake that night, thinking of Astrid. I still don't get why she broke up with me. I loved her, and she loved me. I found myself blinking away tears. This is something I should be able to ask my mother about. I replayed that night over and over again in my head. Astrid said something about leaving me because of (Y/N). Our fathers do want us to get married. I guess I thought I would deal with it when I had to. Maybe it is for the better. I mean, (Y/N) are supposed to eventually get married, and Astrid would only make it harder. I thought of (Y/N) and how we danced. She was so cute. Wait, did I just think that? Yeah, she's pretty, and strong, and a great fighter, but she's no Astrid. I'm so confused. Finally, I had enough. Brushing off my blankets, I burst through my door, walking swiftly down the hall until I found a little balcony to stand on. Breathing in the crisp evening air, I cleared my head. I closed my eyes, only to snap them open again when I heard scuffling behind me. I turned to see (Y/N) walking over to me. I smiled, waving, and earning her attention. She came over to me, rubbing her arms up and down.
        "Hey," she greeted quietly.
        "Hey," We sat in silence for a bit, before she finally spoke.
        "I just wanted to say I'm sorry about Astrid and everything. I know I didn't say anything before..." she trailed off. 
        "It's no problem (Y/N)," She sighed.
        "I guess I never actually realized the marriage thing was this serious,"

        Normal Point Of View

        You could feel the air crackling with tension as you and Hiccup stared at the village, alight with activity.
        "Looks like there's a festival or something going on," he commented, gesturing to a group of villagers setting up a big white tent. You nodded, staring at nothing in particular, and avoiding all eye contact with Hiccup. Eventually, you risked a glance at him, taking in the way he scanned the village with a sort of pride. You noticed the little hairs dotting his chin, and the way his bright green eyes twinkled. After a moment, he turned to you, smiling in amusement. You quickly averted your gaze, instead settling it on a small flock of sheep peacefully grazing on the grass surrounding the outskirts of Berk.
        "You know, I've come to really like it here," you commented.
        "I'm glad," Hiccup responded quietly. Your face was slightly burning now, and you turned your head away. "(Y/N)?" Hiccup questioned.
        "You remember that day when you were wearing that cute little yellow dress, and you were chatting with Astrid?" You nodded hesitantly. "What were you talking about?"
        "You," you replied simply, still not looking at Hiccup.
        "What about me?" he said slowly, turning to you. You inhaled deeply.
        "Astrid was explaining to me how she... felt... about you," you started shakily. "She said you don't look at her like you used to... or something," You left some parts out of your little summary. Hiccup just stared at you. You set your and on his shoulder, smiling sadly. "I know she'll come back to you Hiccup, she loves you very much," Hiccup set his hand on yours, lifting it off his shoulder, and pulling you closer. You could now clearly see a little scar etched on his chin, hidden under a bit of hair. There was a light blush on his cheeks as he leaned down to your level. Your fingers brushed the scar on his chin. "Hiccup?" you breathed. "What is this scar from?"
        "I don't know," You smiled softly, ignoring your slightly burning cheeks. Turning his head slightly, Hiccup leaned in even closer, and brushed his lips on the corner of your mouth. You were both expecting, and not expecting this action, but for some reason, you enjoyed it none the less. Hiccup's hand rose to caress your face, as he leaned down once again, pressing his lips lightly against yours. He still held your right hand in his left, and you just stood there awkwardly. Your heart felt like it would beat right out of your chest, and your thoughts were all scrambled together. You had seen him and Astrid kiss a thousand times with just as much fire and passion. You never could have fathomed how good it felt, Hiccup caressing, and kissing you softly, while the early morning sunlight poured over the mountains, silhouetting every house and tree in sight. You caught brief, scrambled notes of birdcall echoing throughout the mountain range, making twice as loud. The sea rose and fell sharply, giving the impression of a calm morning to come.
        You closed your eyes, enjoying the sounds of the sweet morning and Hiccup's soft, and sudden act. You soon broke apart, as wide-eyed, and confused as Hiccup. Without another word, you turned and ran, leaving a perplexed Hiccup standing on the balcony while sunlight leaked onto the ground around him.              

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