Chapter 15

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Hiccup's Point Of View

        "You called for me sir?" I was standing in front (Y/N)'s father.
        "Yes. I did, didn't I?"  
        "You wanted something of me?" (Y/N)'s father nodded.
        "As you probably know, (Y/N)'s birthday is tomorrow, so I'm throwing her a party, with your father's permission of course. I want to you escort her there, as it's your job as her future husband." Is that what this is about?  I nodded.
        "Yes, of course sir,"
        "Good. That is all I wanted to say," I turned, trying to slowly walk out of the room, instead of running as fast as I could. Who knew (Y/N)'s father could be so scary?

        Normal Point Of View

        You sat on your bed, admiring the necklace your father got you for your birthday. It was beautiful, but your father always insisted on getting you girly things like dresses and jewelry. 
        Walking over to your mirror, you placed the necklace around your neck. It was a simple silver chain with a (F/C) stone. As you admired your reflection, a knock sounded at your door. Answering it, you were startled to find Hiccup standing in the doorway with his hands in hands in his pockets. He looked aged, like an old man, stuck in the body of a teenager. 
        "Hey Hiccup," you greeted, waving slightly. He smiled. It looked fake, and he knew you could tell, because he sighed, getting straight to the point. 
        "Listen, your father talked to me, and he wants me to escort you to your birthday party," You rolled your eyes.
        "Escort me? My father needs to know I'm not a little kid anymore, and I can escort myself thank you very much," Hiccup sighed.
        "(Y/N), it would be easier for both of us if we just did as he said. It's not like I'm babysitting you, and frankly, I would be going to your party anyways so it's not any trouble." You sighed loudly, blowing air out through your mouth.
        "Fine," you muttered, giving in to his pleading tone.
        "Ok, well, see you tomorrow!" you nodded, showing him out. You fell asleep as soon as your head hit your pillow.

                        .                                                                                                .                                                                             .

        You awoke to the sound of loud knocking at your large wooden door. You pushed off your bed, and opened the door. Your father was standing in the doorway, grinning. 
        "Dad," you groaned, rubbing your eyes. "Why are you here so early?" Your father's smile widened. Looking closer, you saw something behind his back. As if he could read your mind, he whipped a small brown package from behind his figure, and held it out to you. You hesitated, before accepting the present, and carefully unwrapping it. Setting the paper down on your bed, you lifted out a dress. Of course your father brought you a dress. But when it caught the light, it sparkled a dozen different colors. Oranges, blues, purples, and greens were strung without the silky fabric, making the dress dance in the light. It almost looked to be glowing, all the colors of the rainbow. The silk itself was a light greenish-blue, but the splashes of color were unmistakable. You gasped, stumbling over words to describe the brilliance of the piece of art before you.  "Dad," you whispered. "It's beautiful," He nodded, and for the first time, you saw the grey hairs dotting his (H/C) beard. For once, he looked old.
        "It was your mother's," he told you, smiling sadly. Your breath caught in your throat, and a lump formed there. Unable to speak around the lump, you remained silent. "I thought you could wear it to your party tonight." You just nodded. "Happy birthday sweetie," Your father kissed your forehead before taking his leave. After a moment, you stood up and walked down to breakfast.

        I know this chapter was a bit on the short side, but the next one will be longer (Your birthday party). Thanks for reading! ~Bella                

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