Chapter 3

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A few weeks passed since you and Hiccup decided to become friends, and it was quite nice, you thought to have a real friend. You played all kinds of games together, and Hiccup showed you all the best places to fly. Neither of you told your fathers, because they would be furious with you. It was a topic you and Hiccup discussed often. You would eventually be forced to get married, and your fathers would send you off. Frankly, it was rather troubling, and you tried to ignore it until it was time to face this growing problem. You found out Hiccup was rather popular with the girls after his heroic act. One girl: Astrid, had taken a specific interest in him. She was rather pretty, and you always felt a tingle of jealousy when they would sit and talk. In fact, you had stared to develop a slight grudge against her, and you assumed she didn't like you much either. For she knew about your arranged marriage, and tried to spend as much time with Hiccup as possible.
        This was one of those days. Hiccup and Astrid sat on a bench, chatting while you wondered aimlessly around the gardens bored out of your mind. After an hour or so, Astrid and Hiccup split up, and went home for the night. You ran up to Hiccup, overjoyed.
        "Hiccup!" you gasped, catching your breath, while he looked at you, amused. "I was wondering if we could sleep outside tonight?" 
        "Outside?" he asked, tilting his head to one side. You nodded. "My mother used to take me all the time," His smile widened.
        "Sure, sounds like fun!"

                     .                                                                                          .                                                                                         .

        "Hiccup?" you whispered.
        "Yeah?" You two lay on a blanket of animal skins, staring up at the star filled sky.
        "Why do we not get to choose whom me marry?" He sighed as you asked that question quite frequently, and always received the same answer.
        "I don't know,"
        "Maybe we could run away!" you suggested. Hiccup chuckled.
        "I wish..."

                       .                                                                                            .                                                                                         .

        You awoke to the sound of soft snoring. Opening your eyes, you found yourself only inches away from Hiccups face. Your face burned, and you tried to back away as slowly as possible but Hiccup stirred, cracking open his eyes.
        "(Y/N)?" he mumbled. You stumbled back.
        "Morning Hiccup," he smiled, apparently unaware of the position he awoke to. He pushed himself up, then held out his hand to help you. You stood up, and stared at the huge wooden house in front of you. Hiccup poked you.
        "Hey (Y/N)? you want  piggy back ride?" you beamed, and climbed on his back. You were pretty light, so it was easy for Hiccup to jog back to the house, carrying you. You thought Astrid watching you from atop a stone wall, but you couldn't tell. Finally reaching the building, Hiccup set you down, and you pushed through the large wooden doors. After breakfast, you found Hiccup in his rooms.
        "Hiccup?" you asked, getting his attention. "I was wondering if you wanted to come swimming with me? I was going to take (D/N) out for a swim anyway." He thought for a moment.
        "I guess... I don't think I have anything planned..."
        "Yay! I'll meet you downstairs!" you bounded down the stairs, to your room. Throwing on your leather bikini (Picture animal skins, I don't know what Vikings wear when going swimming~) and a baggy shirt over that, you ran downstairs to meet Hiccup.
        You both hopped on your dragons, and flew over to your little ocean spot.
        "This is (D/N) and I swimming spot!" you announced, making Hiccup chuckle. "Come on!" you ripped off the shirt and threw it to the ground. Hiccup's eyes winded at the sight of you, and he blushed slightly. "What's the matter hiccup?" you asked, tilting your head cutely. He shook his head.
        You dove right in with your dragon. You were quite a developed swimmer, as you came here almost every day with (D/N). You and hiccup splashed around for hours, until he finally announced you should be getting back. Reluctantly, you pulled yourself from the water, and climbed onto (D/N)'s back. Getting home, you changed, and went to get Hiccup for dinner. Peaking around halls, you spotted two figures. Getting a bit closer you could make out Hiccup's slim outline, and what looked like Astrid's form pressed up against his. Their lips were pressed together, and were moving in sync. Biting your lip, you ran back through the halls, reaching your room, and found tears streaming down your face. What's wrong with me?   

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