Chapter 4

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You went down to breakfast, hoping Hiccup wouldn't come. It had been a few days since you saw him and Astrid kissing, and you had done your best to avoid him. You were wondering how it would work since Hiccup's marriage was already planned out. will they will replace me? You shook your head. Why should I care? You were lost in thought and had no idea where you were going until you walked into something hard. Picking yourself up off the ground, you turned to see what you walked into, finding yourself staring into Hiccup's deep green eyes. You gasped, stumbling back. Hiccup smiled at you, and waved. Fighting back tears, you pushed passed him. His face fell as he watched as you brushed passed him.

        "(Y/N)!" he called out, but you had already rounded the corner. Shaken up, you dried your face with your sleeve, and half walked half ran to breakfast. You sat down as far from Hiccup as possible, and avoided all eye contact. Eating quickly, you started back to your room, only to be halted by a dark figure standing in your doorway. You squeaked in surprise, alerting the figure of your presence. As it neared you, you realized, with horror, it was Hiccup. You stood up a little straighter, and looked into his face solemnly.

        "What do you want?" you asked quietly.

        "I want to know why you are avoiding me," he said simply. You stayed silent. All of a sudden, Hiccup had pinned you against the wall, glaring at you. "Tell me!" Tears rolled down your face. It saddened you to see Hiccup like this.

        "What's happened to you?" you whispered. Hiccups face fell, and he backed away slowly, the realization of what he had just done hitting him hard.

        "(Y/N)... I'm so sorry..." He turned, and ran down the halls, out of sight. You took a shaky breath and walked into your room.

                              .                                                                                                  .                                                                                           .

        You cracked open your eyes to a soft knock at your door. Grunting, you pushed yourself out of bed and peeked out the door. It was Hiccup. You let out a soft groan.

        "Hiccup, why are you here so late?" He smiled slightly.         

        "I just wanted to apologize for earlier..." He looked into your eyes. "Can I come in for a minuet?" Under all the circumstances, you blushed. Angry with yourself, you shoved the door open the rest of the way so Hiccup come in. He walked over to a chair and sat down. You lit a few lamps surrounding your room to shed a bit of light. "I want to know why you are avoiding me," you thought for a minuet.

        "I'm sorry Hiccup, it's just that you've been spending all of your time with Astrid, and I thought I would just let you be..." This of course was a lie.

        "(Y/N), you should have told me. You are my best friend, and no one will ever replace you. Got it?" You could see how serious he was about the matter. You nodded slowly. "Now, come here," he spread his arms, and embraced you. If only he knew the real reason...

        After a minute, Hiccup released you. "Are we good?" he asked. You nodded slowly. No! A voice inside your head screamed. We are most definitely not good! Hiccup, clearly satisfied, left. 

        "Hiccup, why do you have to be so thick?" you whispered to yourself. Sighing, you climbed into bed, and drifted off into darkness. 

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