Chapter 24

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Val stiffened, staring intently at her son.         
        "Are you sure?" she asked him slowly.
        "Yes!" Hiccup exclaimed. "They're heading this way! And our dragons are freaking out!"
        "Okay," Val said. "we have to remain calm. We'll stop them before they get to Berk. Remember, we have the Alfa dragon." Hiccup nodded uneasily.
        You stood completely still, frozen in place. "(Y/N)?" Hiccup asked. "Are you okay?" You forced your legs to work, turning to look at your friend.
        "Not really," you told him honestly. He gave you a pitiful look, before taking you up in his arms. You closed your eyes, burying your face in his neck, enjoying the feeling of security he gave you. You stood like that for a bit, taking in his sweet scent and savoring the warmth. Eventually you pulled apart, meeting the eyes of an amused Val. She just shook her head, chuckling. Hiccup gave you an apologetic glance before following his mother. You chased after them.

                                                 .                                                                    .                                                       .

        After hours of planning, you finally came up with a plan to defend Berk. (By you, I mean Hiccup.) Drago would have to pass through where you were, and then, you would charge. Using the Alfa dragon, Hiccup and you would lead your small army of dragons to attack. with the Alfa following close behind. It was foolproof. Or so you thought.
        "Hiccup!" you called, beckoning him over. 
        "Yeah?" Hiccup asked, walking over to you. He wiped sweat of his brow, coming to face you. Gods he's hot... Your eyes widened, and you blushed about ten shades of red. You did not just think that! Clearing your throat, you looked at him, ignoring your burning face. 
        "I'm... not so sure about this plan." you told him truthfully. He smiled. 
        "Hey, it'll be okay." he said, patting your head. "We'll be fine (Y/N). I promise." He lifted your chin to look him in the eye. "Do you trust me?" he asked you seriously. You tried to speak around the lump in your throat.
        "Y-Yes, Hiccup, I trust you."
        Hiccup released your chin, stepping back, leaving you with a strange empty feeling in your stomach.
        "I promise," he said again, then, he left.
        Your heart had jumped into your throat when he touched you. Why? you wondered. We're only friends. We've been friends for a long time, so why, why do I feel like this? You shook your head. Hiccup's still got feelings for Astrid! You knew he still loved her, even if they broke up. You held your temple, siting down on a large bolder. You didn't, seriously have... feelings for Hiccup, did you? He's been your friend- your only real friend since, well- for a long time. You couldn't possibly have feelings for him, could you?
        "(Y/N)!" you glanced over your shoulder, seeing Hiccup's father gesturing for you to go over to him. You obeyed, walking silently over to where Stoick was sharpening a knife with a rock.
        "Yes sir?" you asked quietly, standing in front of him.
        "What do you think of Hiccup?" he asked simply.
        "What?" you asked incredulously. 
        "What do you think of my son (Y/N)?" Your face turned slightly red.
        "Well- he's, he's a good friend.. and-" Stoick cut you off as he burst into a hardy laughter.
        "That's funny (Y/N)," he told you, wiping tears from his eyes. "But seriously, what is going on between you two?" You stared at him.
        "There's nothing 'going on' sir, we're just friends."
        "Okay fine, whatever you say, but you better find a way of getting past that because as soon as we get home, I'm throwing the wedding," 
        With that, he stood up, and walked away.      

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