Chapter 2

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     " (Y/N!)!" Your father boomed as you timidly entered your house. 

        "Hello father," you greeted respectfully, bowing your head. "What did you wish to talk to me about?" He sighed. 

        "(Y/N)..  do you remember the nice man that gave you your scaldren all those years ago?" You nodded. "Well, the chief from Berk and I have been planning this for a while now... and..." he hesitated. "We are going to unite our villages, to make us stronger." 

        "Ok... but why are you telling me?" You asked. He sighed.

        "To do this, a son and a daughter from each village must be wed in order to unite as blood families."

        "So... you're saying I have to marry the chief of Berk's son?" Your father nodded.

        "I'm so glad you under-," you cut him off.

        "I can't marry someone I don't even know!"

        "That will soon be fixed. We are going to go meet them tomorrow!" You sighed angrily.

        "I don't want to-,"

        "I am your father, and I will decide whom you marry! End of discussion!" You turned, and ran to your room, slamming the door for good measure. As you sat on your bed, silent tears rolled down your cheeks. What am I going to do?

                               .                                                                                        .                                                                               .


        You woke up the next morning earlier than you would have liked. Huffing, you rolled out of bed, dressed, and stomped downstairs. Your father was at the table, eating pieces of bread and cheese.

        "I see your up," he commented. You responded with a grunt. "Today's the big day!" your father exclaimed as you sat down hard with a bit of bread and fish. Another grunt. "And your not going out like that! Go get changed into a nice dress, we have to leave any minuet." Sighing heavily, you abandoned your breakfast and trudged back up to your room to change. Appearing minuets later, clothed in a light blue dress, you followed your father to the loaded ships. You always loved sailing, and you immediately ran to the base of the crow's nest, where you proceeded to climb to the top. From there, you could see forever. 

        Berk was only a short ride away, and soon, you were unloading all the food and gifts you brought to the chief. You walked through the village, avoiding all the stares the villagers gave you and your party. You arrived at a grand wood building, and the doors were sung open, to reveal a large, red haired man, who was waving cheerily.

        "Welcome my friends!" he boomed, spreading his arms and embracing you in a bone crushing hug. You stood back as he greeted your father. Turning back to you, he scanned your body, making you feel quite uncomfortable. "Aren't you a beauty?" he exclaimed. You blushed, thanking him. Remembering his position, the chief ushered everyone inside the great building. There were huge tables, spread with all kinds of food. "Eat!" he told everyone. You weren't that hungry, and only picked at your food. Finally, the chief stood up, and walked over to you. "I know you probably want to meet my son? Go wait through those doors, and I'll call him down," You held your tongue, not wanting to tell this kind man that you wanted something completely different, and walked through the doors. You inspected the perimeter of the room, staring in wonder at the artwork hanging around the vast space. You heard the door swing open, and turned to face a scrawny boy, staring down at you (he was considerably taller). 

        "Hi," you greeted.

        "Hello," he answered, almost absentmindedly. You studied him. He was wearing a tight green shirt, covered with a simple brown vest, and sporting a mop of stringy brown hair.

        "I'm (Y/N)..." you said, earning his attention.

        "I'm Hiccup," he told you, holding out his hand. You accepted it, shaking it firmly. This is awkward...                     

Hiccup broke the silence. "You look beautiful," you smiled. "Thank you Hiccup," Silence. "So, your staying with us from now on huh?" You nodded, unable to bare how akward it was getting.

        "Hiccup do you want to get married?" You blurted. He look at you, stunned.

        "Ummm..." you smiled slightly.

        "I'll take that as a no, "

        "I didn't mean to..."

        " No!" You cut in. "I don't want to either. Just wondering if you felt the same way." He smiled.              

        "Friends?" He asked.

        "Friends," your agreed.

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