Chapter 29

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Just to tell you, this isn't exactly what happened in the movie- I changed it a bit


        You flew as fast as you could in the direction of Drago and his ships. The ride was a long one to Berk, even at the pace you were going, it would take a good five hours or so for you to reach Berk. Under all the circumstances, you blushed, thinking about Hiccup's confession. You were once again alone with him, and the tension was so thick, it was almost suffocating. Hiccup cleared his throat, and you looked up at him.

        "So (Y/N)..." Your face was burning. "What are we now? I mean..."

        "I know what you mean Hiccup, and I don't know." You kept your gaze straight ahead.


                                                       .                                                         .                                      .

        "I can see Berk!" you called to Hiccup. He flew up behind you, straining to look where you were pointing across the water. You came out of the fog, getting the full view of your home. "Oh no," You couldn't breath. "We're to late..." You watched the Alpha male as it crushed houses, spewing ice over Berk, the people running for their lives- and Drago, sitting atop the huge dragon watching from above.  

        "No, we aren't! Come on (Y/N)!" Hiccup bolted towards Drago, and you followed close behind.

        "Hiccup!" you called to him over the wind. "What can you do? It's too strong!" 

        "(Y/N)! Give me the fire sword I gave you!" You searched your bad for the weapon, finding it, and tossing it to him. Hiccup charged at it, flipping open the end of the sword, releasing a green gas. "Go!" Hiccup yelled at you. "Save yourself!"

        You charged after him, ignoring his order. 

        "I'm not leaving you Hiccup!" The Alpha caught sight of you before it did Hiccup. Before you could react, it turned, opened it gigantic mouth, and shot you with burning ice. You remember falling, an everything went black.    

        "(Y/N)!" You heard a voice echoing, sounding like it was a thousand miles away from you. You knew you should open your eyes, but you were so very tired, and the bed you were on was so warm and soft... "(Y/N)! Wake up!" Your bed began to rattle and shake. Forcing your eyes open, you made out the face of Astrid, standing above you, a worried  expression plastered on her face. You groaned, slowly sitting up.             "What happened?" You asked her, holding your head. 

        "You were frozen," she told you, the relief evident in her voice. "And (D/N) saved you," Your eyes widened. 

        "(D/N)! Is she okay?" Astrid looked behind her, and you followed her gaze. There, on a high ledge, you saw (D/N) and Toothless, shooting at the Alpha, fighting with all their might. You covered your mouth. You stood up, grabbing onto Astrid's shoulder for support. "I have to get over there!" you told her, taking a step forward. Slowly, you let go, wincing at the pain spreading throughout your body. You picked up speed until you were running as fast as your legs would carry you. You reached (D/N), patting her back. "I'm here girl," you told her. She gave a low growl. "Just keep it up a bit longer!" you shouted at her, climbing onto Toothless's back. You stroked his snout. "I need you now boy! Let's save Hiccup!" Toothless lifted off the ground and into the air. He beat his wings, rising higher and higher until he was right above the Alpha. You searched for Hiccup, scanning the ground below you, and then, you spotted him, wrestling with Drago. "Toothless," yo whispered, "dive!" The black dragon did so without hesitation, bolting towards Drago and Hiccup. You pulled out a dagger, taking it in both hands, preparing to jump. "Okay Toothless, now get yourself out of here!" You leaned off his back, and fell. Falling felt kind of like flying, you thought, just there's a more permanent destination. Your eyes watered as you fell. It wasn't a very far drop, but the impact still hurt- a lot. You landed on top of Drago, your weight coming down on him at full force. He lay, crippled on the ground.

        "(Y/N)!" Hiccup ran over to you. "What are you doing here?" 

        "I wasn't going to leave you Hiccup! I would never do that!" He smiled. 

        "Okay, well, let's go then," You nodded in acknowledgment, holding your sword in front of you. Together- you and Hiccup, and in hand, charged at Drago.       

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