Chapter 22

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You took off, closely following Stoick and his dragon with Gobber behind you. You flew around for a good hour before finally coming to a stop at a cave entrance.
        "Is Hiccup in here?" you asked Stoick nervously. He nodded distractedly. You took the lead, carefully stepping over sharp stones and little pools of ice cold water. "Hello?" you called into the darkness, raising your torch higher to illuminate the cavern. As far as you could tell, it was endless.
        "Hiccup?" his father called, his voice echoing down the tunnel. You continued walking, footsteps pounding noisily on the hard ground. You walked for a long while, pausing when you heard scuffling. You stood frozen, spinning around to face the person behind you.
        "Hiccup?" you gasped, dropping your torch. You ran over to him, throwing your arms around his neck. He hugged you back, wrapping his arms around your waist. "I thought you were dead," you whispered into his chest, blinking back tears. He hugged you tighter.  
            "I just left for a bit," he said, rubbing circles on your back to calm you. Stoick stood awkwardly off to the side until you broke apart, you stepping aside as Hiccup's father embraced him. Smiling, you looked back the way Hiccup had come, seeing only pitch black. You pointed in the direction you were looking, and Hiccup nodded in understanding. "I have something to show everyone," he announced, beaming. You raised an eyebrow. Hiccup started off down the passageway, stepping over your now burned out torch, laying on the cold, stone ground -only a pile of charcoal. You hurried after him, running blindly at first, but soon, you made out Hiccup's figure ahead of you, and a dim light shining from the end of the cave. 
        Bursting out into the bright sunlight, you blinked as your eyes adjusted to your surroundings. Hiccup stood in front of an older looking woman with brown hair, and red and blue painted armor.
        "Hiccup?" you asked, walking over to him. "Where are we?" Hiccup smiled proudly -you'd never seen him this happy before.
        "(Y/N), I'd like to introduce you to my mom. Mom, this is (Y/N), the one I told you about," Hiccup's mother beamed, going over to you.
        "This is (Y/N)? Oh! Look how pretty you are! Are you two..." You shook your head.
        "No mom!" Hiccup assured her, "We are just friends," You found yourself blushing slightly.
        "Hello?" Stoick called, coming out of the tunnel entrance. "Hiccup? Where are w-" he stopped, staring at the woman before him. "Valhallarama?" he said quietly. She smiled sadly, walking over to him.
        "Hello again Stoick. You're looking well." Then, without another word, the Stoick embraced her, smile so wide, it looked almost to big for his face. Hiccup turned around, beckoning you to follow him. You snuck past his parents, into a little cave lit by a crackling fire. Sitting down next to him, you turned to face your friend.
        "Explain," you ordered resting your head in your hands. 
        "Ok (Y/N), first of all I'm sorry for running away-" you scoffed.
        "Everyone thought, and still thinks you're dead Hiccup. You could have at least left a note. Your father and I were really worried."
        "Now you sound like mother," he joked. You shoved him.
        "Well, I went to go find those dragon trappers we ran into earlier and-"
        "Wait!" you interrupted. "You went to find them? All by yourself? Hiccup? What were you thinking?" He sighed.
        "Look (Y/N), if you want me to finish explaining, stop interrupting okay?" You nodded. "Anyways, I was flying in the direction, when my mother flew in front of me, dressed in armor, riding Cloudjumper.
        "Her four-winged dragon,"
        "So I followed her here, to this place, and found out she was my mother,"
        "Wow," you said. "What a day,"
        "Yeah," Hiccup agreed. It was silent. "Well, I think my parents have had enough privacy, don't you?" He stood up, offering his hand. You stood up, walking past him.
        "You have to earn my trust back Hiccup! " you called over your shoulder. "Starting now!"

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