Chapter 19

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Normal Point Of View

        You felt a pair of rough hands clamp over your mouth. Instantly, you dropped to the ground, catching your attacker off guard, and throwing him over your shoulder. He yelped in surprise, hitting the ground with a sickening crack. You turned and ran back the way you had come, doing your best to ignore the man screaming at you from behind. Making your way to the house, you ran to the stables, hopped on (D/N), and took off into the sky in pursuit of him. The man had jumped aboard a boat, sailing for some time, until a larger boat came into view, covered in ice. You gasped, covering your mouth. Your breath steamed as you exhaled, turning (D/N) around immediately, for what you saw terrified you. On that icy boat, were dragons tied down with ropes, withering in agony. The men on that ship carrying big metal traps, their steel jaws opened wide. You flew as fast as you could back to Berk, using your compass to remember the journey you had just made. You were sure no one spotted you as you spied on the dragon trappers, yet you glanced over your shoulder every two seconds, keeping an eye out for any pursuers. 
        Landing, you left (D/N) outside as you ran back into the house, now gasping for breath. You ran past Hiccup, who spun around just in time to see you turn the corner. Tears sprang to your eyes as you came to a halt outside Stiock's room. You knocked, and pushed the door open without waiting for a reply. Hiccup's father was sitting at his desk, writing with a piece of charcoal. He looked up immediately, his face reflecting surprise and anger. He opened his mouth to speak, but you began to talk right away, not giving him a chance.
        "Sir! I was attacked down by the beach, and I followed him to a huge ship with lots of trapped dragons! I don't know why he attacked me, but I'm positive they are bad people! I came straight here to tell you!" Stoick stood there, mouth hanging open. When you had finished, he cleared his throat.
        "Well, thank you for bringing this to my attention (Y/N). You may go back to your rooms, while I decide what to do,"
        "But, you have to send someone!" you said hurriedly.
        "I will take care of this, thank you (Y/N)," you shut your mouth, not wanting to anger Stoick further. You spun on your heel, and pushed out the doors. You heard a thud, followed by a groan. Hiccup was currently laying on the ground in front of you, rubbing the back of his head.
        "Hiccup?" Your eyes widened. "You were listening!" Hiccup smiled sheepishly, not meeting your eyes.
        "Well, when you put it that way..." You rolled your eyes, continuing down the hall. Hiccup ran to catch up to you.
        "(Y/N)! Wait! Where are you going?" he asked, falling into step beside you.
        "I'm going back to that boat, and finding out who those men were," you answered nonchalantly.
        "I'm coming with you!" Hiccup announced instantly. You shook your head.
        "No, your not Hiccup!" You sped up, to the point where you were practically sprinting down the halls. "What about the dragon race today?" you asked him. "Your supposed to participate!" He shook his head.
        "I'm going with you!" Hiccup insisted. You sighed, reaching your rooms. You grabbed your sword, two daggers, and an a bow with a few arrows. Fitting them into their sheaths, you dashed back out, running back to (D/N). Upon reaching your Scaldren, you slid onto it's saddle, fitting your bow and arrows into your bags. Then, you took flight, setting your compass in the direction you were headed. Hiccup flew along side you on Toothless, staring straight ahead. Memories flooded back of the kiss you two had shared that night, and your face turned a bright shade of red. The flight was going to be rather long, so you had plenty of time to be alone with your thoughts.
        The sun was now risen high in the sky, and you shielded your eyes with your hand, staring ahead.
        "(Y/N)?" Hiccup spoke quietly. "I'm- I'm sorry about last night... I don't know what got into me..." You nodded, unable to ignore your beet-red face.
        "It's fine Hiccup. the kiss wasn't that bad," you mumbled, blushing brighter (if that were even possible). Hiccup smiled slightly at your comment, a light blush tinting his cheeks. This was going to be a long ride...        

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