Chapter 7

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  You and Dan flew back to the castle on (D/N). You were feeling much better, and had invited Dan to come back with you and hang out. You walked in, and passed Hiccup and Astrid in the process. Astrid's glare was pure hatred. You smiled sadly at Hiccup.
        "Hey Hiccup," he glared at you.
        "What the heck was earlier about (Y/N)?" he asked. You had been hoping to avoid the question.
        "I would tell you the truth in saying I was provoked, but I know you wouldn't believe me," Hiccup raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I'd like to introduce someone," you said, pulling Dan next to you. "This is Dan," to prove your point, you pecked him on the cheek. You thought you saw Hiccup's eyes narrow.
        "Come on Astrid," Hiccup said through gritted teeth, stalking away.
        "Where you trying to make him jealous?" Dan asked you.
        "Just getting him back for earlier," you said nonchalantly. You walked to your room, not running into anyone else. "You want to battle?" I asked Dan.

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        You and Dan stayed out late practicing new battle techniques. Later, Dan promised to walk you home. As you were walking, you intertwined you hand with Dan's, blushing.
        "Dan?" you spoke quietly. He squeezed your hand in response. "I just want to thank you for helping me through this. My only friend is shunning me, and you were the only one there for me," He stopped, and looked into your face, wearing a serious expression.
        "(Y/N), I will always be there for you, no matter what," you smiled, pulling him in for a quick kiss. "Hey, you want a piggy back ride?" you smiled, climbing onto his back. He jogged down the block with you clinging to his back for dear life.
        Laughing, you climbed off his back at the castle entrance.
        "Thanks Dan," 
        "No problem," He pulled you in for a kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, savoring these sweet moments. After a bit, Dan let you go, saying he had to get home before dark. You strode into the castle, stopping when you heard voices. It sounded like Astrid.
        "Hiccup, we have to set some ground rules involving (Y/N)..."

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