Chapter 26

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   "Are you ready?" Hiccup asked you, setting a hand on your armored shoulder. 

        "As ready as I'll ever be," you told him, smiling. You both sat on Toothless, Hiccup riding in front, you behind him.You had your fire sword at your side, and an army of dragons behind you. You wrapped your arms tightly around Hiccup's waist, and braced yourself for takeoff.

        "Remember," Val appeared next to you. "we just need to kill Drago, and his men and dragons will retreat!" You nodded in acknowledgement. 


        Hiccup lifted Toothless into the air, and took off. You sped over the icy ocean, the breeze freezing your face off. You rubbed it, trying to bring back some of the feeling to it. Then, you saw them. At least five or six huge ships speeding through the water. "Whoa," you whispered.

        "Hang on!" Hiccup called to you over the wind. You hugged him tighter as you dove towards the ground, picking up speed until you were going so fast, you were afraid you would fly off Hiccup's dragon. Burying your face in his back, you gripped Hiccup even tighter, and he groaned, unable to breath. "(Y/N)!" he gasped. "Not so tight!" You loosened your death grip on him as you slowed to a stop. Hiccup jumped off Toothless, and held out a hand for you. You took it, sliding off him and onto the cold, hard ground.

        "I'm okay!" you called to him over the howling winds. He gave you a thumbs up before unsheathing the sword at his side. You reached for your own sword. Hiccup had taught you how to unsheathe it, and you did so with ease, watching the flame crackle merrily. You watched in horror as the ships docked at the edge of the water, slamming down bridges to cross over on. Hiccup took your hand, squeezing it comfortingly. You smiled lightly at him, squeezing back. He let your hand drop to your side, taking his sword in both of his hands and holding it in front of him. You did the same. The dragons that had been following you were now flanking you on both sides, prepared to attack. "Good luck Hiccup," you told him, looking into his eyes. He smiled. 

        "You too,"

        Your stomach did a flip as you saw who stepped out of the biggest ship. Drago Bludvist.  

                                                           .                                                        .                                  .

        You shoved through the mass of squirming bodies, sword in hand.

        "Hiccup!" you called. A large man charged at you. You thrust your sword into his stomach, and he fell to the ground. "Hiccup!" Then, you saw him. Toothless was cornering a weaponless Hiccup. "Toothless!" you called to the dragon. Stop!" Toothless opened his now glowing mouth. Oh no! You knew what that meant. "No!" you shouted, crying. You started to run to them, when you were stopped by none other than Drago Bludvist. "You!" you growled. He was the one that attacked your family.He was the one who used the other Alpha dragon to turn Toothless against his owner. He was the one you were going to kill right here, right now. 

        "Well, if it isn't Hiccup's little girlfriend trying to save him!" He chuckled darkly. "That's cute," You turned to look at Hiccup again, and a sob made it's way out through your frozen mouth. Stoick charged at Toothless, jumping in front of Hiccup as a plasma ball was launched his way. The sound made you want to puke. The sickening thump as Hiccup's father fell to the ground. You were overwhelmed with rage. Spinning back around, you raised your sword, only to lower it again at the sight of Val wrestling with Drago.

        "Go!" she gasped. "Go to him!" And you did. You ran like your life depended on it. (And it technically did). Toothless's mouth was glowing a dark purple. Almost there... He raised his head. Almost...  And fired at Hiccup. No! Hiccup fell to the ground. Hiccup!     

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