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3 Years Later

        Hiccup lead you by the hand down to the beach. 

        "What is it Hiccup?" you asked him. 

        "Just wait," he said, keeping his gaze ahead. 

        You walked for a while longer, before you came to a little clearing. There was a blanket spread out over the warm sand, and an animal skin blanket folded to one side.

        "It's beautiful!" you gasped.

        "Sit down," Hiccup told you, leading you over to the blanket.

        "But why-"

        "Just sit," he told you, forcing you down. You sat, looking at him expectantly. 

        "Wait for it..."

        "For what- oh..." You looked up to where Hiccup was pointing, and your breath caught in your throat. The sky was filled with a thousand twinkling stars. They glittered in the moonlight, looking almost alive. "Hiccup, it's beautiful," you told him quietly, squeezing his hand.

        "(Y/N)," he took your chin gently, turning your head so you were facing him. "I want to ask you something," You nodded, standing up after him. Hiccup took a deep breath. "We've been dating for three years, and those where some of the best years of my life. I can't imagine life without you. (Y/N) (L/N), will you marry me?" Hiccup produced a small wooden box, and opened it. Inside was a beautiful golden band. And on it, a dragon was carved. I was breathing golden flames that evaporated along the edges.

        You covered your mouth. 

        "Yes!" you whispered, pulling Hiccup up from the ground. "Yes I will marry you Hiccup!" You told him a bit louder this time. Before he could speak, you pressed your lips to his, smiling into the kiss. Out of all the kisses you two shared over the past three years, that one was defiantly the best.

                                                                                         The End          

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2014 ⏰

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