Chapter 12

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Your eyes fluttered open. Sitting up, you clutched your head, feeling dizzy. Moaning, you lay back down. You were acutely aware of a presence next to you, but thinking nothing of it, you drifted back into unconsciousness.
        Opening your eyes once again, you tested your head. It felt surprisingly better. You pushed yourself into a sitting position, and scanned the room. You were sitting in a large bed, covered in fluffy blankets and pillows.
        "Hello?" You smacked your lips, trying to wet your incredibly dry mouth," You heard shouting, and footsteps before a large crowd of people burst into your room, almost giving you a heart attack.
        "She's awake!" someone yelled. You covered your ears, your head beginning to throb from all the noise.         
        "I need to ask everyone to leave!" a maid yelled over the crowd. "(Y/N) needs some time to rest!"
        "Wait!" someone yelled. You could make out Hiccup pushing through the crowd. He stood at the side of your bed.
        "Hey, Hiccup," you greeted croakily.
        "(Y/N), I just wanted to apologize for everything. If you died out there, I would never have forgiven myself." You smiled weakly.
        "It's alright Hiccup. Besides, I would be nothing without by best friend," he smiled.
        "Thank you (Y/N),"
        Soon, the maid had ushered everyone out the door, leaving you some peace and quiet. You thought about what Hiccup had said, and trying to remember what had happened before you blacked out. As exhausted as you were, getting back to sleep was a challenge but you finally succeeded in closing your eyes and drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

                                             .                                                                          .                                                            .

        Hiccup's Point Of View

        Astrid guided me down hall after hall until we reached a small, secluded room. As soon as the door closed, she spun on me.
        "Hiccup? Do you love me?" I stared at her.
        "Of course I love you Astrid! Why would you ask such a stupid question?" She huffed.
        "Well, you've been spending an awful lot of time with (Y/N), and I feel left out," I smiled, pulling her into a hug.
        That night, I lay awake thinking about what Astrid had said. I wasn't really spending that much time with (Y/N) was I? Astrid can handle some time to herself right? Plus, (Y/N) was hurt so it was ok. With a jolt, I realized I was only trying convince myself.

                                       .                                                                                .                                                                           .

        After tossing and turning for a while, you decided to go outside for a bit of fresh air. You pulled a woolen sweater over your head, and crept past the sleeping nurse and out into the cold night. Out there, alone in the dark, you got thinking about everything that happened. You closed your eyes, inhaling the crisp, clean evening air, only to snap them open again, hearing a rustling behind you. You turned to see your father coming up behind you. Smiling, you ran up to him.
        "Hello father!" you greeted. He smiled slightly.
        "(Y/N), there's something I have to tell you," You frowned.
        "What is it?" you asked, curious. Your father cleared his throat.
        "You never knew why we started that war, did you?" You shook your head. "Well, long story short, we started it because of you," Your eyes widened in surprise.
        "Me?" you choked.
        "Yes. Our enemies somehow heard about the marriage, and attempted to take you from us," 
        "All those people died, be- because of me?"
        "No (Y/N)," your father said gently. "We chose to fight. It wasn't your fault." You hugged the sweater to your face, fighting tears.
        "Why did you wait to tell me until now?" you asked him quietly.
        "Because I couldn't bare to loose you to them,"          

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