Chapter 13

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You sat staring out your window, watching the crisp snow fall from the frozen sky. Ever since that night with your father, you stayed in your room, staring out your window. As you healed, your memories came flooding back. Memories of the war, Hiccup, Dan. It was too much grief to deal with, so you shut everyone else out, locking yourself up. I guess you could say you didn't want to experience anything like that again.         
        You snapped your head around when you heard a knock at your door.
        "Come in!" you called. The door creaked open. You knew who it was without even turning around.
        "Hello Hiccup," 
        "Hey (Y/N)," he sounded tired.
        "What do you want?" you asked, your gaze still glued to the window.
        "I- I wanted to check on you. You've been up here an awfully long time."
        "I'm fine Hiccup," you whispered.
        "You also seem kind of depressed..."
        "I remember,"
        "...Remember what?"
        "The war," 
        "Oh," Hiccup was at a loss for words. You remained emotionless.
        "You saved me right?"
        "I-I guess you could say that..."
        "I never got to thank you,"
        "It was nothing," You turned around, seeing Hiccup rubbing his neck sheepishly.
        "What did you really come here for?" you asked him, raising an eyebrow. He sighed.
        "Ok, well, there's a fair tonight, and I was wondering if you would want to go with me, as friends of course."
        "I don't know Hiccup. I don't know if I'm ready. This week has been really hard for me..."
        "I knew you would say that, but Astrid didn't want to go and I really think it would be good for you,"  You sighed, giving in.
        "Ok, I'll pick you up around seven. It's fairly fancy so dress up," Before you could argue, Hiccup walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. You stood up, stretching. Who knows? Something like this might do me good.

                                                        .                                                               .                                                      .

        You decided on this for the fair (I know it's not really Viking-like, but just pretend). You stayed in your room until Hiccup came to pick you up. You opened your door to see Hiccup in a black shirt with his usual leather vest on.
        "Wow (Y/N), you look great,"  he told you. "I never thought I'd get to see you in a dress." You lightly smacked him, making him flinch.
        "Shut up. Let's just get this over with," you muttered, leading Hiccup out the door.
        You burst into the clean night air. The snow had subsided, leaving a thin, white blanket of sleet on the ground. Everywhere, lanterns hung off of brightly colored booths, strung together with dyed rope. The path was covered in venders and exploring couples. Children ran around, chasing each other, and playing with their newly purchased toys. On a stage, musicians played a cheerful tune to match the mood. You looked around wide-eyed at the festivities. Hiccup chuckled.
        "Have you decided to enjoy tonight?" he asked. Ignoring his comment, you ran over to the nearest booth. It was selling little meats and breads. Hiccup came up behind you. Looking around, he ordered something, placing some money on the counter. The man behind the booth speared two small sausages with little sticks, and handed them to Hiccup. Hiccup held one up to you. Blinking, you took it from him, inhaling the mouthwatering smell emanating from it. You bit into it, instantly lighting up.
        "Hiccup! This is delicious!" you exclaimed. He chucked. You pulled him to every booth, stopping to look at different varieties of food, and delicate jewelry, thoroughly enjoying yourself.

                                                .                                                                       .                                                           .

        Astrid's Point Of View

        I watched (Y/N) pull Hiccup around the entire fair. They look so happy together. I fought the tears forming at the edges of my vision. I know how much they care for each other, even if they don't know it themselves. Hiccup tells me he loves me, but I've started to doubt it's the truth. Ever since we won the war, he's been...different. Like his head is in another place, even if he's sitting right next to you. I see now how much (Y/N) needs him. After Dan died, she's been a shell of herself, not daring to trust anyone. She's to afraid she might get her heart broken again. She's to afraid to love.             

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