Chapter 23

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 You walked out of the cave, leaving Hiccup to scramble after you. 
        "What is that supposed to mean?" he asked, scoffing. You smiled, shaking your head. "You know (Y/N)," he started. "don't try to be mysterious, it doesn't suit you," You walked faster, and Hiccup had to run to keep up.
        You came back to the clearing where you had entered, seeing Hiccup's parents sitting on a rock, talking. You had never seen Hiccup look happier then he did in that moment. He watched his parents talk with pride, his eyes gleaming. You put your hand on his shoulder, and he tensed up, before relaxing again.
        "I'm happy for you," you told him, and he turned to you, looking at you with a new seriousness, it almost scared you. He smiled his adorable smile, and your face became hot. There was no denying Hiccup was handsome. His messy brown hair was tousled, hanging over his forehead, framing his perfectly toned features, and accenting his beautiful green eyes. He waved his hand in front of your face, trying to get your attention.
        "Hello? Is anyone home?" he called playfully. You snapped out of your trance, coming to the realization that you were staring at him. "Listen (Y/N), I know I'm good-looking, but snap out of it!" You glared at him, raising an eyebrow at his newly found cockiness. 
        "You wish," you told him, shoving his chest, and heading towards his parents, who had now been made aware of your presence. Stoick was beaming uncontrollably from ear to ear, and his wife looked happier if anything. They were holding hands, and Hiccup's mother beckoned him over. He went to them, and they embraced him lovingly, bringing tears to your eyes. 
        Your mother had died at a young age, and you hardly remembered anything about her. Only that your father had loved her dearly, and was crushed when she passed away. Hiccup turned, seeing you, and pulled you into an embrace. His arms were warm and welcoming, and you gladly returned the gesture. You pulled apart, and turned back to face your friend's parents. Hiccup's mother stood up, Stoick following a second later.
        "What do you say to some dinner?" Stoick's face became pained.
        "Of course, honey! But... do you have to make it?" Val (As she wanted you to call her) patted her chest in mock hurt.
        "I'm a great cook Stoick! I'm just sorry if you can't see that!" She headed towards a crack in an ice cave, and everyone followed.

                                  .                                                                                     .                                                                    .

        "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife again, and escorting us back to Berk?" Stoick kneeled in front of Val on one knee, holding her hand. She was chocked up, and nodded, hugging her husband tightly. You were smiling now, feeling incredibly happy for the whole family before you. Hiccup joined his parents, and you stood off to the side awkwardly. Val looked up, and beckoned you forward. Hesitantly, you walked over to her. She caught you off balance as she grabbed you and pulled you into their hug.
        "You're part of our family now (Y/N)! there's no escape!" You smiled, enjoying the feeling of her arms around you. It felt incredibly nice to have a mother. Your eyes snapped open. No! Val is Hiccup's mother, not mine! You smiled, deciding to surrender to the temping, loving family that excepted you. 
        You had come to think of them as your new family. Hiccup, and his mother and father. You loved all of them, and you weren't afraid to show it. So, when Val pulled you aside, requesting to speak with you, you went without question. She stopped when you were out of earshot from the boys, who were chatting happily. "(Y/N)," she began, "I want you to know we think of you as a part of our family now." You smiled. She continued. "Stoick told me about the wedding plans for you and Hiccup! I'm so incredibly happy to have a daughter in law. You can call me mom if you want! And to think! Hiccup told me there wasn't anything going on between you two!" You looked at the kind lady, Hiccup's mother, and studied how much she resembled Hiccup. They both had thick brown hair, and forest green eyes, but they were also very different.
        "Thank you," You forced a smile. "Mom," 
        "(Y/N)!" Hiccup called, running over to you. "It's happening! Drago Bludvist is attacking Berk!" your eyes widened. "and your father is leading the attack! They have a dragons army! Berk has no chance!"

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