Chapter 21

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You lay in bed that night, thinking about your encounter with the dragon trappers. Then, your kiss with Hiccup. Why does my life have to be so confusing? A knock broke you away from your thoughts. Sighing, you put on your fur sweater, and answered the door. Hiccup stepped inside, instantly settling himself down in a chair.
        "My father won't listen. He says for us to stay out of it! And, he's moved the wedding! It's in two months!" You felt sick to your stomach.
        "Oh," was all you could manage.
        "(Y/N), I don't know what to do..." You hugged your friend, blushing. Ever since your kiss, you've been a little self conscious around him. 
        "Is there anything else?"

        Hiccup's Point Of View

        I left (Y/N) to get some rest, thinking about what to do. I can't just let them attack us like this! I reached my room, hesitating outside my door. I know what I have to do. Going inside, I grabbed my leather bag, along with my armor. Throwing it on, I sheathed my daggers, and my fire sword, packing some food away in my bag. I left my room without a backward glance.
        "Toothless! Come here bud!" I called, looking around the stables. Toothless landed in front of me, scaring me half to death. I put his saddle on, attaching my sword to it, I mounted and took off. As I flew, I thought about (Y/N), and our wedding. I still don't know what to do about the wedding our fathers had so carefully planned. I still don't know how I feel about (Y/N). Did our kiss mean nothing? I do still love Astrid, and I know she still loves me, but, (Y/N)? I realized I should have left her a note at least. She's probably worried sick.
        A loud screech broke me from my thoughts. I glanced up to see a gigantic dragon, with four wings hovering above me. On it, a masked figure, painted red stared down on me, before disappearing quickly below the blanket of fog with Toothless and I followed close behind.

        Normal Point Of View

        "Hiccup's missing!" You cracked open your eyes as Astrid came barging into your room, slamming the door behind her. "I can't find him anywhere! (Y/N)! Wake up!" Astrid shook you hard, which was no longer necessary, as your eyes had snapped open at her words.
        "What?" Astrid was standing, fully dressed in front of you, wearing a worried expression. "Astrid, he probably just went out for an early morning flight," you said, trying to comfort her. She sighed.
        "Yeah, your probably right (Y/N). It's just, he was acting really jumpy last night after his talk with his father."
        "I'll go look for him if you want," you offered. She shook her head.
        "No, that's okay (Y/N), I can. You get some more sleep. With that, she left.
        However, as the day wore on, there was no sign of Hiccup, and by the third day, Stoick and Gobber decided to go look for him.
        "I'm going with you," you had told them, planting your feet. So, now, all three of you were riding silently side by side, staring ahead. It was getting really cold, and you pulled out your fur jacket. You had put on your fur hat and gloves before you left, expecting it to be freezing.
       The whole ride, you thought of Hiccup, truly beginning to worry about him. He wasn't... no, of course not. Hiccup is perfectly capable of handling himself. You told yourself.
        "Whoa, what is it boy?" Stoick asked his dragon, petting it soothingly. Then, you saw it; Hiccup's helmet, floating in the icy water. You covered your mouth.
        "Hiccup?" you said softly. Stoick flew down and retrieved the helmet, holding it up to his dragon's nose.
        "Find Hiccup boy," he instructed. "Find my son."     

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