Chapter 18

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Warning! There will be some spoilers for How To Train Your Dragon 2 from now on! I am not using most of the plot, but there will be some references. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

        Bursting inside, you ran. You ran faster than you've ever run before, not looking back. You had just kissed Hiccup. Your best friend. No. He'll only hurt you again, just like Dan did. You mustn't. You mustn't fall for him. 
        You were so unprepared for that kiss. So unprepared when your thoughts became a jumbled mess, clogging out any rational thoughts struggling to break through. For that reason, you were so unprepared for the hand that clamped over your mouth and pulled you to the ground.

        Hiccup's Point Of View

        I stood, frozen, as (Y/N) ran inside, fighting back tears. I can't explain why exactly I kissed her. I never knew, and still don't know my exact feelings for her. But, it seemed like (Y/N) enjoyed that kiss just as much as I did. So why, why did she run off like that? I touched my lips lightly with one hand. Her lips were so soft... No. What was I thinking? I can't love (Y/N). I loved Astrid. If I fall for (Y/N), we'll have to marry. I can't. I won't. I grasped my hair, smoothing it back out of my face. I have to be rational about this. I can't be loosing my mind now. My thoughts were interrupted when a stout little man came bursting through the doors (Y/N) had run out of just a second before. 
        "Oh!" he panted. "Thank gods I found you! Your father requests your presence at once!" All I could do was nod. The little man left as abruptly as he had come.
        I stepped through the doors, closing them behind me before heading to my father's office. I opened the door a crack, peeking my head in. My father was staring out his window, engrossed in something out of my sight. I cleared my throat, alerting him of my presence. He spun around.
        "Son!" he greeted, clapping me on the back. 
        "You wanted to speak to me?" I asked him, sitting down on a nearby stool. His smile fell, and a grim expression took it's place. 
        "Yes, I did," I waited for him to continue. "Your all grown up now. Well, you're the age I was when I became chief..." I knew now exactly where this was going. I opened my mouth to speak, but my father held up his hand to silence me. "I know what you're gonna say Hiccup. Let me finish first." I closed my mouth. "I know being chief is a big responsibility, and I know you think you aren't ready for it yet, but I believe you are. I'm getting old Hiccup. And, when I'm gone, you'll have to look after the village in my place. " He paused, thinking for a moment. "You'll have to marry (Y/N) as soon as possible. We'll want a strong village for years to come. Especially with a new chief." It seemed as if he was speaking more to himself then me now. My eyes grew wide. I had completely forgotten about the wedding plans with (Y/N)! I heard a muffled yell come from outside. My father stood up, running back to the window, which was more like a huge hole in the wall then anything else. He turned back to me. "Well, it was nice talking Hiccup, but I've got some work to do, so I'll see you later. Before I could speak, he dashed from the room. I sighed angrily. I'm not ready to become chief! Storming to my room, I slammed the door behind me, getting out my journal. My work was my only escape from the real world. I was designing a wing-like suit, hoping I could get it to work, and finally feel what being a dragon is like. It must be nice to be a dragon. I thought as I worked, stitching up one side of the suit. Yeah, that would be a nice feeling...                 

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