Chapter 5

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        Astrid. You practically despised that name. The girl who stole your friend away. The girl you found kissing your best friend in the middle of the night. The girl you had grown to hate for those very reasons.
        The whole castle knew about Hiccup and Astrid. Frankly, you were surprised your fathers were even allowing it. You supposed they wanted to let Hiccup have his fun before he was confined to marriage. Hiccup had no clue why you were mad at him, but he thought he was forgiven. Boy was he wrong.
        You were currently sitting on top of the castle wall, enjoying the sounds of early morning bird song, lost in thought. After a while, you decided to go back to your room. Jumping down from your perch, you dashed in to the castle, through the halls, and into your room. Breathing heavily, you sat down on your bed. You had just closed your eyes when a loud knock sounded at your door. Sighing, you jumped up, brushed yourself off, and pulled open the door. Standing in the doorway was one of the chief's servants, holding a small piece or parchment.
        "Hello," you greeted. He only nodded.
        "I have a message for you my lady," he handed the paper to you before bowing, and quickly walking away. You closed the door and sat back down on your bed with the message. It read:
        Dear (Y/N),
                You have been invited to train at the school of dragons. There, you will learn all the basics of flying, fighting, and how to care for your dragon. If you choose to accept, come to the arena at nine o'clock tomorrow sharp. That is all. 
        "Weird," you whispered. Deciding to ask Hiccup about this school, you stood up, and headed own to his room. Rapping your fist on the door, you stepped back to wait. There were a few muffled gasps before the door was opened. Hiccup answered the door, with Astrid peering at you from behind him.
        "Sorry to interrupt," You grumbled. Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
        "It was nothing (Y/N)..." you eyed him wearily.
        "Um... I was wondering if you could explain this to me," you said, shoving the piece of paper in his face. You saw Astrid roll her eyes, and you shot her a triumphant look. Hiccup read over the paper smiling.
        "You should totally accept (Y/N)!" he told you. "In fact, I'm going to be training all of you!" You sighed.
        "Ok, thanks Hiccup," he nodded, closing the door in your face. You fought back tears, but blinked them away. Looks like I have plans tomorrow.

                      .                                                                                                .                                                                                                  .
        The next day, you awoke around eight so you would have plenty of time to get ready. Dressing in a pair of plain black pants and a black tee-shirt, you threw on your brown leather vest and marched downstairs. You had decided you wouldn't let Hiccup or Astrid bother you today, and it felt like a huge weight off your shoulders. 
        At breakfast, you did your best to ignore Hiccup feeding Astrid at the table, and left as soon as you were done. You gathered your saddle for (D/N) and rode to the arena. You pushed open the big wooden doors and inspected your surroundings. There were lots of boys and girls around your age standing in circles and chatting. Looking around, you spotted Hiccup talking with a group of girls, probably completely oblivious to the fact they were flirting with him. He spotted you, and waved you over. Reluctantly, you trudged over to the group. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the girls staring daggers at you, but you turned your back to them.
        "Hey Hiccup," you greeted.
        "Welcome (Y/N), to the school of dragons," he said, waving his arms around. You nodded, a bored expression on your face. His smile sagged a bit, but he didn't say anything.
        "I'm going to have a look around," you told him, walking away. Leading your dragon to the steaks where the other dragons were tied up, you went to work, fixing the rope around (D/N)'s neck loosely, and attaching it to the steak. Inspecting your handiwork, you felt a soft tap on your shoulder. Spinning around, you were faced with a boy, almost a foot taller than you. He had jet black hair, and pretty brown eyes. He was rather handsome.
        "Hello (Y/N)," he said, amusement written all over his face. You studied him a bit longer, then gasped.
        "Dan?" you whispered. He nodded, looking relived.
        "It's been a long time,"    

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