Chapter 30

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You would never forget the look on Drago's face right before you attacked. It was a mix of surprise, and anger- with a little bit, of regret. You admit, you felt bad for him- just for a second. He wiped that face off pretty quickly before he charged too. It all seemed to happen in slow motion. But, all too soon, you reached him, and your blades met with a metallic clang. The battle was on. It was two against one, so you had the upper hand- or so you thought. The Alpha dragon began to shake, sending ice everywhere. You hung on to it for dear life, but the dragon's scales were covered in a thin layer of ice, making it impossible to get a good grip. You flew off it, screaming in pain.

        "(Y/N)! NO!" You heard Hiccup yelling, but all you could concentrate on the the ground coming at you was getting closer and closer. Then, you felt a pair of warm arms envelop you in mid-air, and you found yourself looking into the face of Hiccup.

        "Hiccup," you breathed. "Why.." 

        "I not going to leave you," he said, smiling sadly. You leaned up, kissing him softy. You were crying now, sobbing against his lips. He held on tighter, spinning around so you were on top of him. 

        "Hiccup! Don't! You'll die!" You pulled at him, trying him turn over again, but he wouldn't budge. Hiccup pressed his lips harder against yours, bracing himself and preparing for impact- but it never came. You slowly opened your eyes to see a shiny, black dragon under you. Hiccup laughed, pulling back

        "Toothless! I missed you bud!" You looked up to see Toothless had landed safely on the edge of a huge icicle. You looked at Hiccup, and hit his chest lightly.

        "I can't believe you did that, idiot," you muttered, standing up. Hiccup took you in his arms. 

        "I couldn't just let you die, could I?" You smiled into his chest. He released you, turning around. You followed his gaze, and your eyes widened in shock. There was a wall of dragons behind you, blocking out the sun. (D/N) nudged you from behind, and you hugged her snout, smiling like a fool.

        The Alpha roared ferociously, sending a big gust of wind your way. Toothless pushed his way past you and Hiccup, stepping up the the gigantic dragon, and roared back.

        "Go get him Toothless!" Yous shouted at him, pumping your fist in the air. The Nightfury raised his glowing head, and fired at the Alpha. It barely scratched it.

        "You'll never defeat my Bewilderbeast you useless dragon!" Drago shouted at Toothless. Toothless continued to fire, over and over- and then, one by one, so did the rest of the dragons. Soon. the air was thick with smoke, and fireballs were flying through the sky. The Bewilderbeast a a bloodcurdling roar, shaking it's head. Toothless rose up onto two legs, and fired a huge plasma ball in the Alpha's direction. It hit, and the huge dragon stumbled back in shock. There was a loud cracking noise, and the Bewilderbeast's only horn came crashing to the ground. It gave one final roar, before falling over backwards into the ocean. Then it was gone.

        You stood still, breathing hard. Toothless came bounding over to Hiccup, and tackled him to the ground, licking his face.

        "Alright Toothless! Get off bud! You know that doesn't wash out!" Hiccup pushed his dragon off him, standing up. You ran over to Toothless, hugging his neck tightly.

        "You did it Toothless! You saved us!" The black dragon gave a delighted roar, before running off to the other dragons, who were gathered in once big group. Hiccup walked over to you, taking your hands in his.

        "We did it," he told you. "Berk is safe!" You jumped on him, enveloping him in a death hug. You and Hiccup  fell to the ground, laughing. Val appeared over you, smiling gently.

        "I'm so proud of you son!" she told him, pulling him up off the ground, and hugging him tightly. An old woman tapped her on the shoulder, and she released her son, wiping her eyes. The elder beckoned to Hiccup, waving him forward. "Your the new chief remember Hiccup?" Val told him, pushing him forward. Hiccup nodded, his eyes gleaming with determination. The old woman dipped her fingers in charcoal, and leaned up to smear it across his forehead. She then raised his arm in the air, and cheers and shouts quickly followed. Hiccup waved you over, and you ran to him. He caught you in his arms, smiling mischievously. He took your face gently in his hands, leaned down, and kissed you. You closed your eyes, aware of everyone watching you intently, and kissed back. Hiccup pulled back, smiling brightly.

        "(Y/N), I love you more than life it'self. Will you be my girlfriend?"

        Tears threatened to spill over, and you nodded, smashing your lips onto his again. The crowd erupted into applause.

        "I love you too,"                               

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