Chapter 10

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You walked through the large, wooden castle as everyone was preparing for battle. Soldiers carried huge wooden platforms that would hold the catapults, and supplies. Other Vikings were fixing armor on the dragons going onto battle. It was the day before the huge battle, and you were quite terrified. But then again, who wouldn't be? Dan had helped you train for the last two days, and you were confident you were ready for battle. You were sitting with Dan on the stone wall outlining the village enjoying one final day together. You rested your head on Dan's shoulder, and sighed as you soaked up the last of the evening sunlight.
        "Dan?" you asked quietly.
        "If you only had one more day to live, how would you spend it?"
        "Your not referring to the war are you? We aren't going to lose," You smiled.
        "Just answer the question,"
        "Well, I'd probably spend it with you (Y/N)," Your smile widened.
        "I'd stuff myself full of sweets!" Dan chuckled. Pulling you onto his lap, you heard him sigh heavily. "Dan? Why are we going to war anyways?" You felt Dan tense up.
        "That's...something you should ask your father,"
        "Be- because he knows more about it than I do," 
        "Ok," he nodded. "Dan? Well, I was wondering if you would stay with me tonight?" (No, please don't think anything wrong!)
        "Of course I will,"
        "Thanks," You stood up, stretching. "We should be getting back,"
        "Yeah," Dan agreed, standing up next to you. Helping you down from the wall, Dan ran off towards the castle. "Race you there!" he shouted over his shoulder.
        "Hey! No fair!" You raced after him, passing him in a matter of seconds. Leaving Dan in the dust, you propelled yourself forwards until you touched the castle's solid walls. A few minutes later, Dan came jogging up behind you.
        "Wow, your fast," he gasped, breathing hard. You smirked.
        "I've never been beaten," you boasted. You walked the rest of the way to the dining hall, where the chief was holding a feast. You and Dan joked, and talked, while Hiccup chatted with Astrid and her friends. By the time you went upstairs to bed, you were stuffed full, and almost couldn't walk, (as you had gotten a bit drunk). Dan helped you onto your bed, sitting you down lightly. You slowly changed into lighter clothing and stumbled back out to Dan, who caught you right before you tripped over your bear skin rug.
        "Ho many glasses did you have?" Dan asked, exasperated. You hiccupped.
        "Only a few,"

                                                                    .                                                               .                                                      .

        You woke, curled up next to Dan. His arm was wrapped over you protectively. Smiling, you poked him softly, giggling when he blinked open his eyes sleepily, confusion written all over his face.
        "Morning sleepy head," you sang. You had actually gotten a decant amount of sleep last night, feeling calm with Dan sleeping next to you.  You would rather die than admit it, but he made you feel safe, in a way. You pushed yourself into a sitting position, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
        "We'd better get ready," Dan said grimly. Instantly, you remembered, dread filling the pit of your stomach.
        "Yeah, sure," slipping out of bed, you tied your (H/C), (H/L) hair up, and changed into long dark pants and a light wool shirt. "C'mon," you said, dragging Dan out of the room and down the hall. Reaching the dining room, you burst in, spotting your father. "When are we leaving?" you asked him, sitting down.
        "An hour,"  
        Breakfast was uneventful, and tense. No one spoke, eating like starving pigs. You picked at your food, anything but hungry. Finally, everyone was finished, and you moved on to get ready to move out. The castle was a bustle of activity, maids and servants rushing around packing supplies and weapons. A few dragons were loaded with supplies, and some were decked out in brightly painted leather armor. You walked over to your dragon, petting it soothingly.
        "Hey, it's ok (D/N)," Suddenly, the sound of a lone horn filled the air. Your eyes widened. "Dan!" you screamed, searching the crowd for him. He came up behind you, grabbing your hand.
        "Quick, we're under attack!"
        "But I thought they didn't know anything!"
        "Come on!" You yanked you hand out of his grip.
        "No! I'm going to fight!" You dashed away into the crowd of ready soldiers. You spotted Hiccup and Astrid a few feet away. Astrid looked terrified, and for once in your life, you pitied her. Your father stood above the crowd. 
        "We are Vikings!" he shouted. " and we will fight like Vikings!" The chief signaled charge. You jumped on your Scaldren, leaning your head against her hard, blue scales. Let's do this!

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