Chapter 11

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Battle cries filled the thick air. You were pulled along with the crowd, charging towards the oncoming enemies. Brandishing your sword, you raised it in the air, screaming at the top of your lungs. Then, you collided. Everywhere swords clashed. You were easily outnumbered, but you outmatched them in strength and weapons. You battled near a barrel you were kindly supplied, full of water. Your Scaldren dipped in and out of the barrel, heating the water in it's mouth, and spewing it out across a group of Vikings attacking it's feet. You had one thing they didn't: Dragons. You battled for what seemed like hours. Your dragon, the size of a small whale, easily knocked, kicked, and stepped on your enemies. Then you heard a shrill scream. Looking around, you spotted Astrid cornered by three large Vikings, holding axes. Shooting off your dragon, you charged through he mass of fighting Vikings, towards her.
        "Astrid!" You dug the tip of your sword into the back of one Viking, while Astrid charged at another one with her ax. She smiled at you slightly in thanks. You nodded, trying to run back to you dragon, only to see with horror he was tied down with thick rope.
        "(D/N)! you yelled. Suddenly, you were overcome with drossiness. You were faintly aware of a figure standing above you. "Dan?"

                               .                                                                                            .                                                                            . 

        You opened your eyes to be greeted with a throbbing headache. Moaning, you struggled, sitting up and looking around. When you tried to move your hands to grip your head, you found they were tied abover your head in chains. You were in a dark room.
        "Where am I?" you shouted into the blackness.
        "Oh, your awake," The voice sounded so familiar, but you didn't want to belive it.
        "Dan? Is that you?" you asked quiely, despertaly hoping you were wrong.
        "Hello (Y/N)," You yanked on your chains.
        "Why am I here?" you shouted the question, too overcome with grief to think straight.
        "That is none of your business little girl." This was a new voice, low and worn with age.
        "Dan, I trusted you!" you screamed at him. He flinched away.
        "(Y/N), it's for your own good." You refused to cry, all you felt was the anger and betrayal building up inside of you. The man walked over to you, raised his hand, and struck you across the cheek. 
        "Hey! This wasn't part of the agreement!" Dan ran twords you, only to be stopped by two guards twice his size.
        "Lock him up!" The man ordered, waving his hand. Your eyes watered from the blow. "Wait!" the man ordered, seeing the worried look in your eye. "On second thought, tie him up, and bring him to me," Dan was thrown at the man's feet.
        "What are you going to do to him?" The man ignored you, holding out his hand expectantly. In it, a whip was placed. Your eyes widened in horror.
        "No!" you screamed but it was too late. You heard the sickening crack and the man brought the whip down hard on Dan's back. "No!" you sobbed, struggling. You hated being useless like this. Dan grunted after each blow. Soon, his back was covered in thick blood. He smiled sadly at you, loosing consciousness.
        "(Y/N)... I love you," You sobbed harder.
        "No! Don't do this! Stop!" you begged. The man ignored you, bringing the whip down again and again until Dan fell to the ground. Your sobbing was now out of control, and your head felt like it was going to crack open.
        "You know," the man said, after you had finally quieted. "Dan only did this to keep you safe. He was so desperate to keep you alive, he had no idea what he was getting himself into." You felt sick to your stomach.
        "I'm so sorry Dan" you whispered, hanging your head. The man smiled, opening his mouth to speak, only to be stopped by a loud crash.
        "(Y/N)!" someone yelled. Whipping your head around, franticly looking for the source. Hiccup!  Suddenly, a dragon crashed through the wall next to you. Astrid jumped its back and ran to you. Producing a knife, she sawed the chains holding your hands in place until they broke away. As soon as you were free, you ranto Dan. You touched his face softly, trying to wake him up.
        "Dan," you sobbed. "I'm ok, I'm fine! Please wake up!" He lay motionless. Hiccup came up behind you.
        "(Y/N), I'm so sorry," You were overcome with rage, spinnning on the man. You ripped Hiccup's sword out of it's sheath, and charged at the man. He smiled darkly. You took a swing at him, blindly slicing through the air.
        "Is that all you got," he whispered in your ear. Spinning around, you stabbed your sword at the source, and just realizing you had sqeezed your eyes shut, cracked them open to see blood pooling on the stone ground. Your sword was lodged in the man's stomach. He made a strangled noise, before collapsing. Hiccup went over to you, kneeled down, and hugged you comfortingly. Even Astrid stood akwardly next to you, looking downcast. Your head was throbbing incredably, and little black spots were now visable around the edges of your vision. 
        "Hiccup," you mumbled, before loosing consciousness all together.

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